Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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You woke up surrounded by darkness and struggling to breath. You wiggle as hard as you can and finally free yourself from the darkness. You struggle to your feet and notice your area.

Y/N: Why am I in the attic and why was I in this bag.

You gingerly walk around and go down the hallway.

Y/N: Rachel!

You call out for your aunt, Rachel but when you continue walking around the house you notice furnitue turned over and blood splattered on the walls and floor.

Y/N: Who's blood is this? What happened here...

As you try and process the situation your head aches further and you lose your balance and fall to your knees. You rub your head and feel dry blood on your head. You begin to try and connect the scenery and your current state and you are able to remember what happened.


Rachel: Y/N were the hell have you been?

Y/N: I w-was at my friends house. We were...

Rachel: I don't give a single rats ass what you were doing you sorry little shit. What kind of person would waste their time on you? Get your ass to your room before I kick your ass.

Y/N: But I was...

You were cut off by a hard slap which knocked you to the ground.

Rachel: I warned you.

You attempted to run to your room but she caught up to you and threw you across the room. You hit your head on a table and got busted open. Blood started to drip down your face but you were used to this sort of attacks so you didn't take a long time to get up. You look at her with no fear, only fury.

Rachel: What's that look for runt?

Y/N: I'm not going to live like this anymore, I'm a human being too. I deserve to be a happy kid like anyone else. How do you think I feel when people at school ask me why I always have cuts and bruises on me?

Tears begin to stream down your face but this only makes Rachel laugh.

Rachel: You, a kid who deserves happiness like everyone else.Ha! Don't make me laugh. You've been I pain in my side the day your mother asked me to take care of you. Now shut up and get to the bathroom so I can stitch you up.

Y/N: If this is how my life is supposed to be, then I don't want it.

Rachel: What?

Y/N: You've already managed to kill me on the inside, so now it's time to finish the job.

You said this concealing the knife you picked up after being thrown into the table.

Rachel: If you insist you little shit.

She lunges for you but you move out of the way and attempt to stab her but you are only 8 and she's a grown woman so she easily overpowers you and brings the knife close to your neck and presses down.

Rachel: I thought you had accepted death already.

Y/N: I have, but I don't want anyone to have to deal with a person like you.  
You spit in her eyes and knock the knife out of her hands. You reach for it and are able to cut her leg and she starts to bleed out.

Rachel: AAAAAAAGGGGGHHH!!! You bastard.

She limps up and grabs you.

Y/N: Let me go you witch!

You struggle but are powerless and you decide to ite her ear off and run upstairs to your room for some temporary safety, but even with a damaged leg she catches up and grabs you again.

Rachel: You deserve to die you waste of human flesh.

She launches you down the flight of stairs and a loud thud is heard.


Y/N: Yeah I remember now, but I still don't get how I ended up in the attic. Maybe that she-devil is still around.

You stagger around the house looking for Rachel but notice that she, along with all medical supplies are gone.

Y/N: This is pointless...I should look...for some help.

You feel disoriented and begin to feel yourself about to pass out.

Y/N: This isn't good.

You rush out and look for any signs of civilization but are horrified to see dead people walking.

Y/N: What's... what's going on?

The dead spot you and start to move toward you. You try to run but are too weak to run due to your injuries and you stumble to the ground. They are a few feet behind you and you pick yourself up and keep going. You see a man and a woman siphoning fuel.

Y/N: Please mister

You fall down and pass out. All you see is darkness. Is this how my life ends. After all the pain I endured in the 8 years I've been alive, but I guess all that pain is over. You then here gunshots ringing and feel your body get lifted.

??????: Shit is he bit?

?????: We'll take care of that later, let's focus on getting back to the drug store.

??????: You know that the bitch and her dickhead of a father aren't going to like this.

?????: You want me to leave a kid alone out here?

??????: We can't bring him to the group if he's bit and you know that.

?????: Fine lets stop by a motel and check on him.

A few minutes after you passed out you awoke but struggled to move.

Glenn: Hey Carley he's awake!

Carley: What?

Glenn: It's okay kid we'll get you to our group and get you fixed up. What's your name.

Y/N: Y.....Y/N. My name... is Y/N.

As you pass out once more they begin to run as fast as they could.

Glenn: He's fading fast we've got to hurry!!!

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