Chapter 23 - Speechless

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You walk back to the study to check up on Lee and Clem. You arrive to see Clem laying down, her back turned to Lee and crying. You take a closer look in the room and see that Lee is still in the room.

You walk in the room and attempt to go over to Clem but an outstretched arm stops you.

Lee: Now's not the time, maybe later okay.

You: (Sigh) Can I stay at least?

Lee: Okay.

Lee moves over and you sit on the couch next to him. Clem's cries are the only sounds that can be heard from the room. After some time Lee falls asleep and you can feel yourself get tired as well but you stay up long enough to hear static come from Clem's radio. You go over and pick it up.

You: Hello?

Stranger: You must be Y/N I take it.

You recognize that voice. It's the same person Clem has been talking too.

You: What do you want with us?

Stranger: You are of no importance to me Y/N, I'm more concerned with Clem.

You: What for?

Stranger: I've found her parents.

Before you can respond you feel something push you to the ground. You look up and see Clem holding the radio.

Clem: Where are they?!

She asks impatiently.

Stranger: I'll give you directions Clem but first...

He whispers something to ensure that you don't hear anything. You then see a scared expression on Clem's face. You get up and walk over to her.

Clem: Sorry Y/N.

You: It's okay, I understand. What did he say?

Clem: He says he knows where my parents are.

You: We should wake Lee up and go together.

Clem: He says that there aren't any walkers in the area and I can go alone.

You: Clem you know that's not safe. Even the grown ups don't walk on the streets alone.

Clem: But he's a friend and he'll never put me in danger.

You: How can you be sure Clem? Have you actually seen this person.

Clem: No.

You: Then if you're going me and Lee are coming with you. You can't take a big risk like this on your own. What if he's dangerous.

She stays silent for a few seconds you hear a response.

Clem: Fine. Let's go together.

You: Really?

Clem: You're right, we can't go into dangerous places on our own.

You: Alright, I'll get Lee.

You turn your back and walk over to Lee when you feel a extreme pain on the back of your head and you fall down. You try to crawl but the pain is too great. You use the little strength you have to look up and your eyes meet with Clem's eyes.

You: Cle..m.

Clem: I'm....I'm sorry.

Tears fill her eyes as she turns around and leaves as fast as possible.

You: I..I've got to...

Your vision becomes blurry as your strength leaves your body and finally you pass out.

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