Chapter 2 - Rewind

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You wake up to the sound of people yelling.

Y/N: Oh no, not again.

You get up from your bed and walk out of your room. You walk down the hallway and the screams intensify. It was your mom and dad.

Mom: You can't leave your wife and son to go drinking with your friends, how do you think I feel when I go to sleep and the man I love isn't around or when Y/N asks me where you are and I have to lie to him saying you're working late!? This isn't fair to him!

Dad: Just shut up and give me my food woman.

Mom: Are you even listening to me!?

She slaps him hard across the face. He jolts up.

Y/N: Please say sorry mommy.

You whisper to yourself.

Dad: You dumb Bitch!!!

He grabs your mom by the neck and punches her in the face, knocking her down. She tries to run for the phone on the kitchen counter but he grabs her and throws her across the room. She hits her head on the tv and gets a cut on her head.

Dad: You've tested me for far too long, telling me how to take care of my own son. I am the motherfucking man of this house and I will do whatever the fuck I want. If I want to spend the money of the house on beer then that's what's gonna happen.

Mom: That money was for Y/N's school fees, I know you clearly don't love me but at least show some form of compassion for your son's own future.

Dad: First of all that money was spent on an important project I was working on the 2 B's, Beer and Bitches. And for the record they are way, way better looking than you have ever been.

Mom: How could you say that....

He cuts her off by punching her again and drawing blood from her mouth.

Dad: Shut up I'm still talking. As I was saying the boy has your cells so he, just like the rest of your inbred family, was born a mistake.

He says this excited and you feel tears stream down your face.

Dad: I regret wasting my perfect sperm and not pulling out, but life ain't fair.

He picks up the car keys and a suitcase.

Mom: Please, that's the last amount of money we have for the month.

Dad: And that's my problem how?

He opens the door and is about to leave but turns around and looks at mom.

Dad: Bye have a great time. Ha!

He walks out the door and leaves with the car. You run out of the hallway you were hiding and run to your mom.

Y/N: Mommy!! Are you okay!?

Mom: It's okay Y/N.

Y/N: But you're bleeding.

Mom: The physical pain isn't knew, just go get me the medical supplies from the bathroom.

You run as fast as you could and come back to your mother. You help her patch herself up but there is a problem.

Mom: Honey I'm going to need you to do something for me.

Y/N: What is it?

Mom: My head is split open and I can't stitch it up myself, you have to do it.

Y/N: But I could hurt you.

Mom: I would be asking you to do this if I didn't trust you. You're the bravest 5 Year old I know and I'm happy your mine.

She gives you a smile. Even with all her injuries she still tries to reassure you.

Y/N: I'll do it.

You hesitate but she coaches you through it and you stitch her up and she gives you a warm hug. She then gets up.

Y/N: You could get up?

Mom: I want you to know how to do certain things incase you may need to help others or yourself.

Y/N: Ohhh, that makes sense.

She goes to the front door and opens it.

Y/N: Mommy where are you going.

Mom: Don't worry about me right now, you need to take care of yourself.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

She walks back to you and kneels down to your level.

Mom: I'm sorry about what Rachel did to you but don't let that make you give up, be strong for yourself and for me. Never give up no matter how hard the challenge is.

Y/N: Right.

She hugs you and you hug her back as hard as you could not wanting to let go but then she begins to fade away.

Y/N: Mom?

Mom: Always remember, never give up.

With those final words she completely disappears and the world around you fades to black.

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