Chapter 17 - All the pieces come together

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Some time later, at sunset Vernon, Molly, Omid, Christa and Lee are in the living room as you and Clem are upstairs.

You: I thought Lee said we should go to our room.

Clem: I now, but I...I.

You: Still thinking about your mom and dad?

Clem nods in response.

You: I know, If my parents were somewhere near I'd be thinking about them too.

Clem: I just, I miss them.

You: I know Clem, I know.

Clem: Do you miss yours?

You: My what?

Clem: Your mom and dad.

There is a long silence between you and Clem. You really hate this question as it brings memories you would personally want to forget as you get up and sit by the stairs. Clem follows you and sits next to you.

Clem: Y/N?

You: Think Kenny will have that boat started up soon.

Clem: You can't ignore me like that Y/N.

You: (Sigh) I just don't want to talk about it Clem, alright.

Clem: But Y/N...

Clementine's sad tone makes you sad but you get up from the stairs.

You: I'll talk to you about it some time Clem, just not now.

You notice the small group begin to walk away from each other.

You: We should get back to our room Clem. Lee's going to get mad.

You walk back to your room leaving Clementine behind and to your suprise find Ben there.

Ben: Hey Y/N.

You: Ben? What're you doing here?!

Ben: Just hanging out, what's up?

You: Not much.

Ben: Uhhh you sure? You look kinda down.

You: I'm fine.

Ben: C'mon man, I know might not be the most favourite person in the house...

You: Again, you said this, not me.

Ben: I can still be of some use, I'm not completely useless.

You: I understand Ben but the things you've done in the past don't make me, confident in you, sorry.

Ben gets visibly frustrated and gets up.

Ben: Look I know what I did with the raiders at the motel was dumb but...

You: The raiders, the motel. Ben what are you talking about?!

Ben goes silence as he realized what had just come out of his dumbass mouth.

You: Ben! You're not talking!

Ben: I..I.I

You: You were the one who was giving the raiders OUR STUFF! YOU IDIOT HOW COULD YOU!!

Ben: The..


Ben: Lilly could...still be..alive.

You begin to feel tears form in your eyes but your anger makes you to contain them as you move close to Ben as he cowers in fear. You reach for your gun and aim it at his head.

Ben: Hey, calm down Y/N.

You stay silent, the barrel of the gun still facing Ben. After a while, you make your decision.

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