Chapter 37 - Boxed in

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Small timeskip
We finally found some shelter in a broken down van. Doors were shut tight so walkers couldn't get in no matter how much they banged on it but that meant we couldn't escape, for now at least.

Pete sits down looking at the bite and catches Clem and I staring at it.

Pete: What're you looking at? Staring ain't polite.

Clem: How are you feeling?

Pete: Well, other than this bite, I'm just peachy.

He looks past me and spots a saw.

Pete: Hand me that there.

Clem: Are you sure?

Pete: I got nothing to lose. Other than my piggly wiggles, of course.

Clem hands him the saw and you walk to the front of the truck and thoughts of Lee fill your head.

You (thoughts): That...that never works.

You feel helpless. You're watching someone who stood up for you die and you can't do anything for them. You are lost in thoughts and don't know what to do.

A hand touches your shoulder and a concerned voice speaks out.

Clem: Y/N are you okay?

You: I'm...I'm alright. Let's find...something to help.

You try turning the car on but that would be way to lucky.

Pete: Outta gas.

Clem looks through a box and pulls out a box of cigarettes.

Pete: Gimme one of those. Probably tastes like pine tar by now but I'd smoke a dead coon's tail if you had one.

She handed him a cigarette and her lighter.

Pete: That tastes about as bad as it smells.

Clem: Now what?

You: We wait...ain't got any other choice.

You sit down with Clem next to you. There's nothing but silence and after a long while, Clem's head is on your shoulder as she falls asleep.

Pete: She's...tired.

You put your arm around her so she won't fall over.

You: Yeah...It hasn't been easy.

Pete starts to cough uncontrollably.

You: Are you...

Pete: Don't...don't worry about me Y/N.

You: But...

Pete: I...said do...don't worry.

You try to protest one more time but decide to keep quiet. The silence returns but only for a moment as you finally get the courage to talk about something that's been on your mind.

You: Pete...Can I ask you something?

Pete: Sure.

You: Back in the woods...Nick mention someone...Carver. You both looked spooked by the name.

Pete: For good reason.

You: Who or what is Carver.

Pete puts out the cigarette and looks you in the eye.

Pete: Well Y/N since this is my last day...I guess I owe you an honest answer...and a ...detailed one at that.

You: Alright...

Pete: Carver is the leader of a group we were a part of in the past.

You: You and the others at the house?

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