Chapter 10 - The ever-growing death count

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You wipe your tears as you see Y/N walk over to the corner and put his hands in his face, you want to go over to him but are too afraid. A few seconds later Kenny, Ben and Lee walk back in to the Rv and take off without Lilly.

Katjaa: Lee can you come here please.

Lee: On my way.

He walks over to them and comes back a few moments later and sits down next to you. You share a slow embrace in silence before he speaks up.

Lee: Duck's bit.

Clem: What?

Lee: It was during the raid, he got bit running away. Things don't seem to be going our way.

Clem: Yeah, Duck's bit and Y/N isn't doing so well.

Lee: You want to go and talk to him?

Clem: I do but I'm not sure if I will help.

Lee: I think you should give him some space right now and talk to him tomorrow.

Clem: Okay I guess you're right.

Lee: We should get to sleep, we'll need the energy for tomorrow.

Clem: Okay good night Lee.

Lee: Good night Clem.

You close your eyes and fall asleep in Lee's arms. You wake up the next day to the voice of Kenny instructing everyone to get out of the car. You are about to leave when you see Y/N still sitting down in the Rv and you decide to walk over to him.

Clem: Hey Y/N.

He looks up at you with bloodshot eyes and a sorrowful expression on his face.

Clem: Kenny says we should get out of the Rv.

He sighs as he stands up and follows after you outside the Rv and you both notice a large abandoned locomotive.

Ben: Hey Lee why don't you and I go look around.

Lee: Yeah in a bit, everyone else relax and Clem.

He goes on one knee.

Lee: Stay close to the group and see if you can cheer Y/N up a bit.

Clem: I'll try.

You walk over to Y/N and sit down next to him.

Clem: Hey are you feeling better?

Y/N: No.

Clem: Do you want to talk about it, I know it mat be hard but I'm your friend and you can tell me anything.

Y/N: Clem I don't feel like talking about it.

Clem: But..

Y/N: Clem stop.

You try to speak again but fall silent as the 2 of you sit on the logs. After a few minutes he get up and walk back to the Rv.

Clem: Where are you going?

Y/N: To get something.

Clem: Can I...

Y/N: I'm going alone and I don't want anyone to come with me.

He walks away and enters the Rv. You think about following him but are afraid that he might get upset. You sit alone for some time before Lee walks over to you.

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