Chapter 45 - Dangerous Confrontation

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You stand alone in the old drug store when someone comes through the door. You turn around and see Carley walk towards you.

You run towards her to give her a hug but she pushes you off. You try to talk but nothing comes out of your mouth. She moves closer and kicks you into a metal rod which pierces leg.

You try to get it out but fail. You look up and notice Lilly walk past you with her gun out. She raises her arm and aim the gun at Carley.

You try to shout at them but your voice fails you again.


Carley drops dead on the floor, her face laying in a pool of blood.


Carley: So you can talk.

Carley's head turns 180 degrees in an unnatural way. You notice her black eyes and sadistic look on her face.

Carley: You had a chance to save me but you sat there in silence.

Her body gets up and she walks closer to you, her blood dripping down her face.

You: I..I..

Carley: You what Y/N?

She picks up a metal rod from the ground and raises it over her head.

Carley: Even though you let me die...I'll always be HERE!!!

She stabs you through the heart. She laughs menacily as walkers break in.

You: Car..ley please. Help me please.

The walkers swarm you and rip you apart as Carley watches on with a smile on her face. Your screams are silenced by her laughter.

You dart up and breath heavily. You're sweating and your heart is racing. You gently move Liam over and walk away for a while. The walkers have left and only a few remained so it should be safe. You pick up your crossbow and knife before heading out.

You shoot the walkers with the arrows and they all fall to the ground. You take a walk through the forest, trying to clear your mind and forget what happened in your dream...but it felt real.

Time passes and it becomes daylight. You walk back to the others, still feeling uneasy.

Kenny: Anyone have a clue where he is?

Omid: There!!

You look up and notice them all looking at you.

Luke: You okay?

You force a smile which fools them, well most of them. Clem, Kenny and Omid all have a suspicious look on their faces.

Bonnie: Okay, we're coming down there.

You cross your arms and wait for them to arrive. After a short wait you take off.

The group treks through a snowy field in search of better shelter. You walk behind the group, still shaken by your dream. What could it mean and why did you have it, why have a dream about Carley at this time and why did she look like that. You try to wrap your head around it when someone's hand brings you back to reality.

Clem: Are you okay?

You stay silent for a while then realize that Rebecca stumbled over and everyone stopped.

You: I'm...I'm...

Worry covers Clem's face as you don't respond immediately. Just as you were about to say something Rebecca collapses and the baby starts crying.

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