Chapter 42 - Eye of the storm

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You all leave the stockroom and arrive at the parking lot where a large herd of walkers approaches the store.

Nick: Man, we're never gonna make it through this.

Luke: You kidding me? If Clem and Y/N can handle it, you can.

Kenny: Shit. I thought they were coming from the south.

Rebecca: They did...looks like we're in the eye of it now.

Mike: Fuck...this is fucked.

You hand Clem your knife.

Clem: What about you?

You: I have these.

You point at the two guns on your holsters and crossbow on your back.

You: Besides I'll be right next to you.

Clementine: Alright.

Luke: You'll need something quiet.

He hands you a hatchet.

You: Thanks.

Speakers: Summer heat got you hot? Cool off with our selection of above ground pools. Talk to a friendly house associate for details. How's that for refreshing?

Clem kills an approaching walker and you kill another. The group kills a few more walkers, and Jane slices open one of the corpses. Carver's group tries to gun down the approaching herd. Jane smears walker guts over herself.

Jane: You guys better hurry up and get to smearing if you wanna live. Or you can die here...doesn't matter to me.

Rebecca: Oh, god...

Jane: Do it quick. We need to get covered before the rest of them get close, or we're fucked.

Clem cuts open the walker she killed.

Sarah: Ugh.

Rebecca: This isn't gonna work...

Clem: Y/N.

Clem covers her hands with walker's entrails.

Clem: You'll go first.

Sarah: You're gonna put that on yourself?

Clem: We have to Sarah.

Clem rubs the walker guts on you.

Clem: Turn around so I can get your back.

She smears more walker guts on you.

You: Your turn.

You smear Clem with the walker guts.

Clem: Okay, now you. Turn around Sarah.

She reluctantly turn around.

Sarah: Smells gross.

Mike: No shit.

You: In case you didn't notice there are walkers closing in so shut up and get ready.

Clem smears the guts on Sarah's back. Carlos approaches them and helps cover Sarah in blood and entrails.

Carlos: It'll be okay, honey. Just stay still.

Sarah: Are...are you sure?

Carlos: I'm sure. There's nothing to fear if you remain calm. I'll keep you safe.

Jane: Hurry the fuck up.

Kenny: We ain't got all day here, everybody ready? They're almost on us.

Troy approaches the group.

Troy: What in the actual fuck is going on here?! What is this sick shit? Someone say something before I start--

Luke reaches toward the gun on the ground.

Troy: HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY! Don't you even fucking think about it, motherfucker. I will end you, you hear me?!

You step in front of Luke.

Troy: Who the...

You shoot him in the legs and he falls to the ground, screaming in pain. You pick up his gun and toss it to Kenny.

You: Let's go.

By now, walkers have reached the group. They ignore everyone covered in guts and are drawn by Troy's screams.

They devour him.

Jane: Make no noise and walk, act like you belong and you'll belong.

The group slowly moves through the herd. Carver's group continues firing at the walkers and Sarah starts panicking.

Tyler: Get over here!

Lowell: I need more ammo!

Luke: We got this, y'all... Is that Tavia?

Tyler: Where's Bill?! We need him up here!

Bonnie: Stay calm...

Luke: Shh...we're gonna be okay.

Lowell: They're fucking everywhere!

Jane: Don't run.

Lowell: We need more ammo!

Mike: Watch Sarah.

Carlos: Shhh. Quiet, honey.

You grab Sarah and place your hand over her mouth.

You: Sarah...calm down.

Sarah: I..I..

You: Do you want your dad to get hurt?

Sarah: No.

You: Then keep quiet and...

Carlos is shot in the neck by Carver's group and devoured by walkers.

Sarah: DAD! DAD!! DAAAAD!!!

She break out of your hold and starts screaming.

Some walkers take notice of Sarah's screams. Sarita kills one moving toward her. Bonnie guns down several more.

Bonnie: Sarah!

Sarita: Kenny!

Mike: Man, goddamn it!

Kenny: I can't get to you, babe!

Sarah: Please,

Clem: Sarah, shut up!

Sarah runs off.

You: Clem get back to the others, I'll get Sarah.

Clem: I'm coming with you.

You: Fine let's go.

The two of you run after Sarah.

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