Chapter 7 - Silver Lining

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You walk back to the motel silently but in a hurry, Carley catches up to Lee and they start talking and you notice Clem lag behind thenrset of the group so you go and check up on her.

Y/N: Hey Clem what's up.

Clem: It's nothing just a little scared.

Y/N: Those farm people?

Clem: Yeah.

Y/N: What happened, maybe if you talk about it you might feel a bit better.

Clem: They seemed so nice at first but then they tried to make us eat people.

Y/N: Did you eat the food?

Clem: Almost but Lee stopped me.

Y/N: That's good.

Clem: I guess.

You take a closer look at Clem and notice something.

Y/N: Hey where did you find it.

Clem: Lee found it for me.

Y/N: That's great now you don't have to worry about people seeing your hair.

Clem: That's mean.

Y/N: I'm sorry it's just that you talk about it a lot. I don't really care about mine.

Clem: Maybe that's why it's so messy.

Y/N: Ouch.

The 2 of you keep talking and its seems like she is feeling a lot better. You realize how for back you 2 were and rush to the group and see Lee standing there.

Lee: C'mon guys stay close.

Clem: Hey Y/N can I talk with Lee about something.

Y/N: Sure thing.

You leave the 2 of them behind and rush over to Carley who was a little bit ahead of them. You don't say anything but hold her hand, she notices it's you and holds your hand tighter. You walk for a little while and hear a strange sound eminate from the woods.

Duck: Dad what's that sound?

Kenny: It a car.

You all approach the car slowly and realize that its been abandoned. Kenny looks in the back and spots food.

Kenny: Holy shit this stuff could last us a while.

Lilly: Not all of us.

Kenny sighs as he knows that she was referring to Larry.

Ben: Look we don't know if these people are dead.

Lilly: If they come back then we're just monsters who came out of the woods and ruined their lives.

Y/N: This stuff isn't ours.

Duck: Dad who's car is this.

Kenny: Don't worry Duck it's ours now.

Katjaa: It's abandoned Ducky don't worry.

Clem: What if it's not abandoned? What if it is someone's?

Y/N: Clem's right, maybe they went to look for gas up ahead and will be back for their stuff.

Lee: You guys are right we can't take this stuff.

Kenny: What? Did you have some mysterious meal the rest of us missed out on we have to take this stuff.

Lee: We don't want any part of this.

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