Chapter 73

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Underneath the starlit sky of New Frontier, specifically near the back gates of the large community which were built not too long ago, a small gathering could was occurring and though not a single word was being spoken, the piercing sound of guns clicking and ammunition being loaded clearly emphasized the reason as to why. Rifle strapped to his back, and other necessities now equipped, Javier turned to the people present.

Javier: There's no turning back from here on out, chances of getting killed will be high.

A scoff was heard as everyone turned to Derick who rested his shotgun on his right shoulder.

Derick: I'm one of a kind shitbeard, intimidation tactics that pathetic don't work on me.

The arrogance was clearly strong with this one. You thought it was getting better but it's just because you've been mostly ignoring him for the most part, and him the same. Releasing a sigh and giving a deadpan stare, you spoke.

You: Thank God for that, I think I would kill myself if there were more people like you.

Receiving a nudge to the side from Clementine you decided to stop any yourself from going any further though the livid expression from Derick made it very hard to do so. Even Clementine found it humorous, if her covering her hand in a poor attempt to stop her giggles from coming out was anything to go by.

Kenny: Alright boys don't get too excited.

He said while patting Derick's head who looked away mumbling something about axe wielding bastards before going silent. Completely silent. Not uttering a word.

Ashley: Ken's been a great help with him, even bonded with him.

She explained clearly getting a kick out of your astonished expression. Giggles came from your left side prompting you to turn to a smiling Clementine but before you could speak she cut you off.

Clementine: Yes I knew but didn't want to get you too involved. It would've ruined Kenny's plans of getting him to mellow down a bit.

Slowly you turned to Derick and Kenny who were in a friendly conversation? Someone was being called a shitbird and the other a dipshit.

You: ...sure.

Turning towards Javier you saw a smile on his face, leading to you giving him a questioning look.

You: Didn't know you liked being called a shitbeard.

Getting flustered and getting out a few coughs he responded.

Javier: I don't. Just thought it was nice to have a good atmosphere before we potentially cause some mayhem or die.

Ashley: Guess I can understand.

Shortly after, everyone's attention was on Javier who's expression was serious.

Javier: Now, it's probably for the best of we remember the plan. It's our key to survival after all.

Ashley: Infiltrating this new delta base and gathering the best Intel we can as discreetly as we can.

Delta, one of the troublesome things Javier had managed to dig up when going on a few hunting trips and the like. What apparently stared out small has turned incredibly large, with possible posts in various places. And all those people could cause major damage to our home in the coming weeks or months.

Javier: That's right, so no funny business.

He turned towards Derick who hmphed but gave a barely audible yes.

Javier: Remember to keep in touch with one another and watch each other's backs.

He says holding out a walkie talkie which all of you had. Turning away from the group and walking up to the gate he, continued.

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