Chapter 50 - Tension in the group

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Reader's POV
You are leading everyone to the place you found Clem and for the most part everyone has been quiet, even Derick. You stop moving when you notice a number of walkers up ahead, not too many but you want to avoid any alterations with them if possible.

Jonathan: I'm guessing this is the area?

Derick: Yeah. Looks like they moved on.

Ashley: Or went to get reinforcements.

Derick: You think they'll need reinforcements to fight that girl.

You: Considering that Clementine got some help yesterday, yes. It would be safer for them to bring more men.

Ashley: He's right and we've made a habit of fighting off raiders, they probably know about us.

Jonathan: And right now we aren't at full strength. We've lost many people and some went on a hunting mission 2 weeks ago and haven't come back since.

Ashley: Don't remind me, we went looking but didn't find them.

After the walkers have moved past you move closer and see multiple guns laying in the floor, Ak-47's and shotguns.

Jonathan: That girl is something else.

Ashley: Yeah, to think she was on her own with this many gunmen coming after her, most wouldn't have survived.

You (thoughts): Might have to do something with Liam and AJ, should've asked her before I left.

Derick: We should keep going.

You: Why, we've done what we came here to do and there's nothing else here.

Derick: Maybe so, but, if we can get to them faster we can launch an attack and destroy them. They won't see it coming.

Ashley: How dense are you?

You: We could also get killed, cause there's only 4 of us.

Jonathan: Exaclty, so we should go back, NOW!!

He said in an intimidating voice that shock you and Ashley.

Derick: And sit on our asses and wait them to knock down the front door and spray the entire cabin!

He says approaching Jonathan and you get in between them.

You: That's not gonna happen.

Derick: You sure about that!

You: Look we'll come up with a plan when we get back. Standing here and flapping our gums ain't gonna help with anything!

Derick: That's why I wanna get shit done, NOW!!

You: All you wanna do is get us ki...

He goes to punch you in the face but you dodge at the last second and deliver a left hook to his face, dropping him to the ground.

Ashley: Stop it!

Derick: This is all that stupid girl's fault!

He pops up and throws a wild right hand which you dodge easily but are unable to dodge his other elbow which lands directly on your face. You are forced back a couple of feet before regaining your footing. He runs towards you but Jonathan grabs him. He struggles to get free.

Derick: Let go of...ME!!

He manages to break free and the two of you punch each other at the same time. Ashley pulls you away and Jonathan pulls Derick away, this time putting effort so he doesn't slip away.

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