Chapter 19 - Crawford

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The group stands beneath a manhole cover in the sewers.

Vernon: This should be it. We're right underneath the centre of Crawford, the old school should  be directly above us.

Lee: Okay, people this is it. Remember the plan, we stay quiet, we stay hidden, we stay together. We find what we need and we get the hell out of here before anyone even knows we're there. Got it?

Everyone nods and Vernon looks at you for conformation.

You: I go it.

Vernon: Just stay close to the group.

You: Fine.

Lee climbs the ladder and signals for everyone to follow suite and hide in a bush near a building.

You: I thought this place was supposed to have people patrolling the entire place.

Vernon: Yeah it's very weird.

Kenny: You two dissapointed?

You: Just thinking out loud Kenny.

Christa: I think I see one, over there by the door.

Lee: Alright, me and Kenny will take him out. The rest of you should stay back and wait for a signal. Got it?

You: You need to hurry Lee.

The two sneak up to the guard and when Lee goes to kill him, he turns around and is revealed to be a walker.

You: What are walkers doing here?

Molly: That's a good question Y/N.

Lee takes out the walker and everyone walks over to him and Kenny.

Lee: The fuck is a alker doing in here?

More walkers approach.

You: Guys, we need to go.Now.

The group runs into St. Felicity's Catholic Church and you help Lee to close the door. They run up the stairs and burst into a hallway full of lockers as Vernon and Brie close the doors.

Kenny: Fuck! Fuck! You think the fuckers saw us?

Lee: Definitely.

Ben: Shit!

You: Shut up Ben.

He pipes down as you walk away from the group to look for anything that can help. You go a few feet from them and don't find anything but walker growls.

You: This place is a death trap, wonder if anyone survived.

You walk back to the group as they're wrapping up their discussion.

Brie: Come on, I think I know which way to head.

Ben: I got a...

You step in front of him and give him a death stare, the same one you gave him when you were planing to kill him.

You: We don't need any more walkers coming after us. For the last time, Shut up.

Ben nods I agreement and the group keeps moving forward. The group walks down a hallway as they notice a boarded up door, marked with an X, with multiple walker groans coming from it.

Molly: Just keep moving.

They reach a door at the end of the hallway.

Brie: Here.

Lee leans in close to the door to hear anything and it seems clear.

Lee: Alright everyone in.

The group enters the abandoned classroom and Lee goes over to a door labelled Armory and tries to open it but fails.

Kenny: Looks like this place was used as some sort of, command center.

Molly: Okay, now what. Where do we start looking?

The group decides what to do and splits the tasks to different people.
Kenny is going to get the fuel,
Christa and Vernon are going for the medicine,
Lee and Molly are going after the battery.

You: Can't I help out?

Lee: I need you to stay and watch over the command center.

You: I guess you don't want to worry about me, right?

You ask in an annoyed tone which Lee notices pretty easily.

Lee: C'mon Y/N.

You: I know, I know. I guess I'll try to open the Armory.

Lee: Ben will help out.

You: Can't I have anyone else?

Lee: You've been really, mean to Bean lately. That glare from early wasn't exactly, nice.

You think of talking about telling Lee what Ben did at the motel but you can't be asked to do it.

You: You need to go Lee.

Lee: Whatever you say Y/N, just keep calm and try to find a way into the Armory. I trust you more than...Ben.

You: Everyone is trusted more than Ben.

Lee chuckles before leaving with Molly. You and Ben are the only two left.

Ben: We....should find a way into the Armory.

You: Just get started already. Idiot.

You sit down as you think to yourself but really just trying to shut out Ben.

You (thoughts): Really wish Lee let Clem come with us. I kinda miss having her around, but I guess I could have stayed with her and helped look after Omid.

You hit your head on the desk.

You (thoughts): I'm so stupid! I should find a way to make it up to Clem, for everytime I've let my emotions run wild and hurt her. Day by day I feel like we're moving further away and it's mainly my fault. I promise when we get back I'll make it up to Clem.

You stand up and ready yourself to get the Armory door open.

You (thoughts): The sooner I get that door open the better.

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