Chapter 32 - Torn apart

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The four of us continued our journey, eventually to be joined by a little boy by the name of Liam. Omid was a little upset since he wanted him to be called Omid the second but after a little while he let it go. It didn't take long for everyone to warm up to Liam but taking care of him became a struggle, food was becoming scarce and it only got colder as we went towards Wellington. Now you sit at a small campfire with Clem, Christa and Liam, resting for the night.

You: Are we getting closer to Wellington?

Clem: It may not feel like it, but we are.

Christa: We'll just have to keep pushing, we've made it this far.

Clem: I guess you're right.

You look around and see that Omid is still not back.

You: Did any of you see where Omid went?

Christa: He went to get more wood.

Clem: It's been a while now.

You: I'll go check, knowing him he's probably planning to scare us.

Clem: I'll come with you.

Christa: Don't go far and keep your weapons on you.

You nod and begin walking into the forest.

Clem: You think he went far?

You: Not really, I don't think he'll want to spend a lot of time away from Christa and Liam.

Clem: Then maybe we won't take a lot of time before we find him.

You: Yeah.

The search goes on but we are still unable to find him. As you're still looking, a hand covers both your mouth and Clem's. You struggle to get free then notice that it's Omid.

Omid: What are you doing here?

You point to his hand and he lets go.

Clem: Looking for you.

You: Where have you been anyway.

Omid: Sorry I worried you guys but we have a problem.

You: Huh?

Omid: When I went to get more wood, I say a group of people, armed.

Clem: What did they want?

Omid: No idea but it's safer if we leave right now.

You: Alright let's go.

The three of you head back and find the campfire deserted.

Omid: Christa......Liam....Where are they?

Before a response can come from me or Clem, a loud voice echoes from the forest.

Man 1: Where are your people?!

The three of us approach the voice and find a group of people surrounding Liam and Christa.

Man 1: I said where the fuck are you people?!

Christa: I'm..I'm alone.

Man 2: Bullshit. You expect us to believe that you and that baby are all alone out here.

Christa: Uhh...

Clem: We have to do something.

You: But what, we're outnumbered and outgunned.

Omid: And Christa and Liam could be put in danger.

The three of us stay in silence until Omid finally speaks.

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