Chapter 35 - "Warm" welcome

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Voices are talking all around me and my head is in a lot of pain. I struggle at first but manage to open my eyes and see Clementine over me. I lift my hand and poke her nose. She looks down and her face lights up.

You: Hey.

She lifts my head from her legs and gives me a warm hug. After a few seconds we separate and she helps me up.

Pete: Looks like you're doing a lot better.

You: Where are we?

Carlos: This is our place Y/N. My name is Carlos.

You: Carlos...the doctor?

Carlos: Precisely.

I take a look at my leg and see a large bandage wrapping around it.

Pete: Carlos got you fixed up while you were out.

Carlos: With all the blood you had lost we thought you might turn but Clementine here stood up for you.

I turn to Clem and give her a big smile.

You: Well I wouldn't expect anything different from Clem.

Pete: I guess the two of you are very close.

Clem: We've know each other since the start of all this.

Pete: I see. That explains the trust between you two.

Carlos: We should probably get you to meet the others if you're going to stay here.

You: What?

Pete: We aren't about to leave two kids out there with those things.

You: Really?

Carlos: Clementine is the one who helped convince the others to let you guys stay.

You: How long was I out?

Clem: Too long.

Pete: I agree.

Carlos puts his hand on my forehead and then his other kn his forehead.

Carlos: And it looks like your fever broke. You might not be 100% but you're not too far from it. Give it a few days and you'll be back to normal.

You: Thanks.

Pete: Let's go and meet the others.

The four of us walk out of the room and meet the others in the living room. The minute they spot you, one of them aims their rifle at you.

Pete: Boy, calm down!!!!

Luke: He..he's alive.

Clem: Like I said from before, he's alive. So drop your gun!!!

She says in a tone that makes everyone go silent.

You (thoughts): I'm going to have to cut back on making fun of her.

Rebecca: Don't talk like you own the place girl.

Pete: Rebecca...

Rebecca: She should learn to shut it or she can leave with her little friend.

I was about to say something but just sighed.

Pete: Lets get inside the house before walkers come by the area.

Nick: They're staying.

Carlos: Yes they are.

Everyone walks into the house, some of the people giving me and Clem disgusting looks.

You: We shouldn't forget about Omid, Liam and Christa.

Clem: I know, we'll have to look for them tomorrow. I'll need you to be feeling better since you're the only person I'm going with.

You: Yeah...We'll figure it out.

The two of us enter the house last and stand in the living room. Pete introduces us to everyone and it is agreed upon that me and Clem would stay with them. Even though some of them were clearly against the idea, it was finalized and there was nothing they could do.

Clem and I are in the spare room they gave us. I'm laying on the bed and Clem is sitting at the foot of the bed.

Clem: How's your leg?

You: Better than before.

Clem: I'm glad Pete stood up for us, they were planning to put us in a shed for the whole day.

You: I can't imagine stitching up my bite in a shed.

She turns to me and sits closer.

Clem: How would we get the medical supplies.

You: Maybe I couldn't but I'm sure you would find a way to sneak into the house.

Clem: I guess you're right. But why would I let you stitch your own bite.

You: You suck at stitching cuts Clem.

Clem: I do not.

You: Really...?

Clem: Christa showed me how when I got a cut on my arm, see.

She rolls the sleeve of the jacket she found when Omid, Christa and Liam were around revealing the scar on her arm.

You: She showed you how it a done. You've never done it though.

Clem pouts.

You: Yep...I win.

Clem giggles and the two of us begin laughing. After a few minutes Pete called us to have dinner and it went almost alright. Rebecca was the main reason I really didn't enjoy the food as much as I would've. Luke tried his hardest to make up for earlier but Rebecca kept sticking her nose in our business.

After the meal Clem and I went back to our room and spent the rest of the day making bad jokes and playing around. It was the first time, in a long time, that we acted our aged and didn't have to worry about surviving. Honestly I wish that moment of peace and happiness would last forever.

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