Chapter 15 - Missing link

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A few seconds after the gunshot, Lee comes out carrying a small walker child.

Y/N: What...what happened?

Lee: We found him in the attic. He was already a walker.

Y/N: What're you going to do with him?

Lee: Give him a proper burial. It's the least we can do.

Y/N: Can I help.

Lee: Sure.

You both walk out to the backyard and Lee places the boy in the grave, next to the dog.

Y/N: Here.

You hand him the shovel and Lee buries the boy. You look back at the fence to see a figure standing there, watching you ominously.

Y/N: Lee.

He looks up and sees the figure, you draw your gun and it runs away.

Lee: Who are you?What the hell do you want from us?

Y/N: I should've taken the shot sooner.

Lee: Don't blame yourself for anything Y/N, you might have just saved us.

Y/N: Or put us in danger.

Clem, Ben and Christa run out to the backyard.

Christa: Guys what's going on?

Y/N: Someone was watching us.

Ben: A walker.

Lee: No, too fast. Took off like a bat outta hell when Y/N drew his card.

Christa: Was it a man or woman?

Y/N: Didn't get a good look, but I think it could've been a man.

Ben: What does it matter?

Lee: It could've been the guy on the radio trying to fuck with us.

Kenny walks out and joins the group.

Lee: Kenny?

Kenny: I'm fine. I'm just...I'm fine. What's all the ruckus about?

Ben: Lee and Y/N said they saw someone watching us from outside the gate.

Kenny: What?Who?

Lee: Don't know, they ran off before we could get a good look.

Ben: I don't like this one bit.

Christa: Me either, walkers are one thing...but the thought of people actually stalking us...

Kenny: Alright, we've spent enough time here. We need to get back on track, time to get down to the river and find ourselves a boat.

Christa: I don't know if Omid's well enough to move.

Kenny: Well he'd better get ready, cause I'm going to River Street right now to find a boat, and as soon as she's ready to go we're moving out.

Lee: We should probably go and look for a boat before they're all hone.

Ben: I'll go get my stuff.

Y/N: It's probably for the best if two people go.

Ben: Huh?

Kenny: Y/N's right me and Lee will go.

Ben: Alright.

Y/N: We can stay and look for anything useful around the house.

Lee: Sounds like a plan.

Clem: Can I help you out Lee. My mom and dad can't be too far, maybe we can find them on the way to the river.

Lee: Clem, honey. I think you should stay and help Ben and Y/N as well as to watch out for Omid and Christa, help them get ready to move out.

Clem: You said I should always stay close to you.

Lee: I know sweetpea, it's just this once. Sometimes we should put aside what we want for the good of the group. Hey don't worry, I'll be back before you know it. Okay?

Clem: Okay.

Kenny: Daylight's burning. Gonna go grab my gear, then we'll hwad out.

Christa: Come on Clem and  Y/N, let's go check if Omid needs something.

Everyone walks back to the house except for Lee and Ben, you decided to stay as well since you weren't completely confident in Ben.

Ben: So you're going to leave me on the bench?

Lee: No offence, but I'd feel safer if you stayed.

Ben: How am I not not supposed to take offence to that? What am I, a liability?

Y/N: Hey you said it not us.

Lee chuckles.

Ben: Great..just great. Thanks a lot for the vote of confidence

Lee: Confidence is earned and you've got a long way to go to earn yours back after the dumb stuff you've pulled. You feel me?

Ben: I feel you.

Y/N: Just help me look for stuff and protect the others okay.

Ben: Alright.

Kenny comes back and Lee and him leave.

Ben: Lets get this over with.

Y/N: We'll come back here after some time.

You and Ben spent the next couple of minutes searching for anything useful in the house. You only managed to find empty drawers, rotten cans of food. You head to the kitchen to find a knife to give to Clem incase she ended up in danger.

Y/N: This will do I guess.

You walk back out to the backyard and meet up with Ben.

Ben: Found anything?

Y/N: Just a knife to give Clem.

Ben: Guess that's something, I didn't find a thing.

Y/N: Let's get back inside.

Ben: Sure.

You walk in to the house and you look for Clem but can't find her.

Y/N: Hey guys, where's Clem.

Christa: She said she was going to look for you.

Y/N: Well I haven't seen her since she left with you.

Christa: Maybe she's in a room somewhere.

Y/N: We just checked the house and didn't see anyone.

Ben: This is bad. What're we going to do?

Y/N: I'll go looking for her.

Christa: Absolutely not!

Y/N: Huh?

Christa: You may be really smart for your age but there's no way we're letting an 8 Year old go on his own.

Y/N: We can't just sit back and do nothing.

Christa: I understand that you and Clem are good friends, but going out there and killing yourself won't help anyone.

Ben: She's right Y/N.

Omid: Just sit down little man.

You try your hardest to protest but see there being no point since you're outnumbered and no one looks like they want to go with you.

Y/N: Fine.

You go over to a chair and sit on your own, thinking of your friend and where she might be. You look down and a tear hits your hands.

Y/N thoughts: Please be safe Clem. Please be safe.

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