Chapter 39 - Where are you

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Clem Pov
You (thoughts): It's been a little while since I've seen Y/N. Sarah wanted me to show her how to shoot and even she's been quiet lately. Maybe Sarah knows where she is.

You walk around the house looking for Sarah and finally find her pacing around the living room.

You: Uhh...Sarah, have you seen Y/N?

She turns around and stares at you, not saying a word.

You: Hey...are you okay?

No response.

You: Okay...I'm going to look for Y/N. Do you have a clue where he is?

She buries her head in her hands and begins to panic. You place your hands on her shoulders and try to get her to calm down.

You: What's wrong Sarah?

Sarah: A...a man was outside.

You: What?

Sarah: Y/N talked to him...and...

You: And what?!

Sarah: They...they started fighting and Y/N lead him away from the house.

Your heart sinks at the thought of Y/N going off on his own, fighting some random man. You feel tears about to run down your face but you hold them back.

You: Where...where did he run off to?! Please tell me!

She stays silent and your patience runs out.


You run to the kitchen and grab the knife.

Sarah: Where are you going?!

You: Y/N is out there protecting us from some creep and you want me to stay behind.

Sarah: But...

You: Since you won't tell me anything to help sit down and wait for the others.

You swing the door open and see the others approach the house. Nick runs ahead of everyone.

Nick: Clemntine!

Carlos: Where's Sarah?

Sarah runs out of the house and gives Carlos a warm hug.

Carlos: Why are you outside? I told you to stay indoors.

You: I'm looking for Y/N.

Luke: What?

You: Sarah said she last saw him fighting with a man, he lead him away from the house.

Carlos: Sarah...who did you see with Y/N?

Sarah: The man had a moustache and a Brown coat on and a gun.

You (thoughts): Y/N...please be okay.

Luke: Oh God...oh fuck.

Rebecca: Did you hear they're conversation, anything.

Sarah: I saw them already talking...but I did hear Y/N say a name.

You: What did he say?!

Carlos tries to calm you down but after quick glance at you and noticing the concern in your eyes decides to keep quiet.

Sarah: He said...Carver.

Nick: Fuck.

The others responded in a similar fashion or held their heads low.

You: We have to look for him.

Rebecca: Say what now?

You: We can't just leave him out there.

Rebecca: Sorry Clementine but...if Carver is the man fighting him...I'm not sure he'd be alive by now.

Carlos: Carver...he is a dangerous man. Sorry but Rebecca could be right.

The tears you tried to fight back finally overpower you and they stream down your face.

Luke: Clem...

You: He can't be dead. He...

You break down and fall to your knees. Luke tries to comfort you.

Luke: Well fucking played guys.

You: I try.

Luke: Try what?

You: I can't just accept that he's gone.

Rebecca: I'm sorry but...we gotta move. If the kid started a fight with Carver he's coming back, with an army this time.

Luke: Then we'll move but first...

Rebecca: First what?

Luke: Clem and I will go look for Y/N. You guys pack things up and wait for us.

Rebecca: Are you crazy?!

Carlos: We have to try something.

Rebecca: Try what, fast suicide. We all know how dangerous Carver is.

You get on your feet and wipe away the tears.

You: Stay if you want. I'm going.

Luke: Clem...

You: Y/N needs my help.

You walk off leaving them all behind.

Luke: Wait up Clem!!

He runs after you and offers you a gun.

Luke: You'll need it and some help. So how about it.

You take the gun and keep moving forward and Luke follows. You keep walking and see trails of blood.

Luke: This blood ain't walker blood.

You: Lets...lets keep moving.

You continue on moving and try as hard as possible to find Y/N but you found nothing. No body or walker version of him, only signs of a bloody and brutal fight.

Luke: Hey Clem...we'll find him.

You: I...

Luke: Right now we should worry about getting back.

You nod and the two of you head back, no words being said the entire way. You finally arrive at the house.

Rebecca: Looks like I was right.

Luke: We didn't find anything...he might be out there.

Rebecca: One thing I'm sure of is that Carved is out there and he's coming here. So can we please leave.

Carlos: Clementine.

You walk past him and go to your room. You enter and grab your backpack when something falls from it. A small black box.

You: What is this?

You pick I up and open it. The first thing you see is a note which reads.

"I wanted to give this to you earlier but a lot of things got it the way. Trying to find food and shelter for Liam while avoiding raiders and walkers was a real pain but I'm glad you finally got the chance to see this.
Love Y/N"

You smile at the note as it reminds You of the time You spent with Omid, Christa, Liam and Y/N.

You: It wasn't your fault Y/N.

You remove the note and put it aside. You turn your attention to the box and couldn't believe your eyes.

You: Lee's watch...but how? Now way.

Luke: Clem it's time to go.

You turn around and he gets a concerned look on his face.

Luke: What's wrong Clem?

You are confused then notice the tears on your face. You wipe them and pack your stuff. Before anything else you wear the watch and walk out of the house with Luke.

Carlos: Alright people let's go.

You (thoughts): I know you're still out there and I'll find you. I promise.

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