Chapter 11 - Confusion

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As you were still sitting on your own you feel the train stop and you fall over. Lee goes to check what the problem is and Clem walks over to you helps you up.

Clem: You okay?

Y/N: Yeah thanks. What's going on?

Clem: Not sure but Lee went to check.

Y/N: We should probably go too.

Clem: Yeah.

The 2 of you walk out of the box car to see a large gas truck hanging on the edge of an overpass.

Clem: Who are they?

You look closer to see a man and a woman standing on the overpass.

Y/N: Not sure but it looks like Lee is going to talk to them.

Clem: Huh?

You see Lee climbing up the Ladder and Clementine runs after him.

Y/N: Where are you going Clem?

Clem: I have to help.

Y/N: He'll be okay on his own.

Clem: I'm going anyway.

She has a mind fixed on going and you let her. They spend some time on the overpass talking to the strangers.

Ben: Hey Y/N what are they talking about?

Y/N: How should I know Ben?

Ben: I thought Clementine might have told you something before following after them.

Y/N: She was with us on the train dummy how would she know something.

Ben: Yeah that makes sense.

You face palm at how dumb Ben is. After a few seconds the 4 of them come down from the overpass and the 2 strangers walk over to the group.

Lee: Guys this is Omid and Christa.

Everyone looks at them in silence.

Omid: Not big on welcomes I guess...

Lee: Like I said it's been a bad day.

Omid: We just wanted to say that your train is pretty cool.

Christa: We aren't looking for charity.

Omid: But we COULD help you guys.

Christa: Maybe...

Omid: So, yeah, hi....again.

Chuck: Y'all want some candy.

Lee: We're going to cut that tanker down.

Kenny: Sounds like a plan enough to me.

Omid: You want to get started in on that tanker.

Christa: I'll get to know the girl for a bit, if you don't mind.

Kenny: How about I show you how this thing works incase something happens.

Lee: Really Ken?

Kenny: Its probably for the best. Someone might want to take a look at that train station over there.

Omid: Alright lets get this thing started.

You see Clem and Christa sit down and start talking and you go over to the box car. You pick up your weapons, a small pocket knife and Carley's gun. You jump back outside and Lee spots you.

Lee: Hey Y/N I know you might not feel a hundred percent but you want to check out the train station with me?

Y/N: Kinda surprising you're asking me and not Clem, you did teach her how to shoot a gun after all.

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