Chapter 49 - A new member

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You wake up with Clem laying next to you. She's fast asleep. You thought of getting up but after the hard time she's been having you don't want to deprive her of any sleep by getting out of bed so you decided to stay there, looking at the ceiling. After a few hours Clem wakes up.

You: Hey Clem.

Clem: Hi Y/N.

You: Are you feeling any better?

Clem: Yeah, it's been a long time since I've felt safe and warm. I could get used to this.

You sit up on the bed and Clem sits up as well.

You: Do you think you can stay here?

Your question seemed to shock her.

You: I'm sorry if it was so sudden, I know you've been having a...

Before you can finish, she gives you a warm hug. She then looks into your eyes with a beautiful smile on her face.

Clem: Of course I'll stay.

You feel extremely happy and instinctively hug her back. After realizing what you did you tried to break the hug but she clings to you.

Clem: We...we should find the kids Y/N, I'm scared of what will happen to them.

You: Of course we will Clem but I'll need you to be healthy enough to fight, I don't want you getting any worse than when I found you yesterday.

Clem: Okay.

You get out of bed and but Clem stays in bed.

You: I'm going to see if there's any food, wanna come with me?

Clem: Sure.

She gets out of bed and you notice the height difference between the two of you. Clem looked to be about 5"0 and you are 5"6.

You: Sh...

Clem: Stop.

You: You don't even know what I was going to say.

Clem: It starts with an s and ends with a t, am I right?

You whistle and she giggles.

You: Come on let's go.

Clem: Before we go I want to know something. How...How did you survive?

She asks with a worried expression on her face.

You: I guess you need to know.

You sit down on the bed and she sits down next to you.

You: After me and Sarah fell into the lake she sacrificed herself for my sake, walkers surrounded her and...began to rip her apart.

You go silent for a while and she holds your hand.

Clem: You can stop if you want.

You: No, it's okay. While they ripped her apart, she gave me enough time to swim away as fast as I could but I had trouble breathing. I didn't know if I was going to make it but I kept going, but along the way I lost consciousness. When I woke up I was here, I...I didn't know where you were and I didn't know if you were safe.

She rests her head on your shoulder.

Clem: I'm safe now, and a little hungry.

You: Yeah let's go.

The two of you walk out of the room with Clem still holding your hand, when you get downstairs and arrive at the others she let's go of it.

Ashley: Hey you two, sleep well?

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