Chapter 61 - Preparing for the end

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A few minutes have passed since you arrived at the campsite. Derick is unconscious and you're extremely tired, if it wasn't for Kenny you would've died. You sit down on a log looking at your right hand, the metal is covered in blood. Some of it yours, some of it Jonathan's and with his death Hunter is definitely to kill us all. A hand on landing on your shoulder removes you from your thoughts. You turn around to see Kenny with a can of food.

Kenny: It's not much but you look like you need it.

You take the can from him.

You: Thank you.

You begin eating and before you know it it's all finished. He sits down next to you.

Kenny: That friend of yours, he's tough. Despite his injuries he'll be up and running in a few hours.

Yeah, after fighting him you know how tough he really is. Out of the corner of your eye you see Kenny looking at your right arm.

You: Want to know about it?

Kenny: Only if you feel like it.

You struggle to your feet and look back at Derick.

Kenny: You need to rest Y/N.

You: I'll rest after I get something done.

Kenny: Huh?

You: Kenny, were you the people who killed Hunter's men?

You ask with a serious look.

Kenny: The bastards had it coming. Wait a minute, did they do this to you?!

His loud voice draws in the other people as they approach the two of you. One of the men, Damien according to Kenny speaks.

Damien: What's this I hear about Hunter?

He glares at you.

Damien: Boy working for him?

You: You're mistaken.

Damien: Huh?

You: I don't work for anyone, especially a bastard like Hunter.

He walks past Kenny and stands a few feet from you.

Damien: How can we be sure about that?

Kenny tries to talk but you stop him.

You: Why would I work for someone who's holding people I care about hostage? How dumb are you!

Kenny: Hold on, Y/ don't mean...

You: Clementine...and the kids, they're at Hunter's base. Clem should be fine, I haven't seen her in a while but Hunter makes it sound like she's giving some trouble. The kids, I don't know...I haven't seen them or heard anything since the last time I saw you.

Kenny: Shit!

Damien: I'm not so sure I believe that, I mean where were you when all this went down.

Kenny: Hey man, shut the...

You: I was Hunter, the first day anyway.

All of them look at you in shock.

Kenny: What?

You: It wasn't for a long time, only a day. Most of it was spent doing one thing,  Hunter dishing out punishment and me taking on and trying my best not to die. Normally I wouldn't have much of a problem but when the torturing begins and you're already wounded and tied up, it's hard.

They go silent for a while. You look at your right arm as you raise it high enough for all of them to see.

You: This though wasn't his doing, someone else who wanted some recognition I guess.

You chuckle a bit.

Damien: What's so funny?

You: I was hell bent on getting some revenge but it's not gonna remove it, even after killing him.

Damien: You're saying you wouldn't want some revenge, after that happened to you?

You: I'm not saying it cause I don't want revenge...

You look at him with a serious face.

You: What would be the point, I already killed him.

Shock washes over them as their eyes widen.

Kenny: What?

You: Happened I while back, he wanted to come here and kill everyone he found. I wasn't gonna follow his orders and after that one of us stood on his feet, the other has his head a little ways away from his body.

Silence is all they can produce or do. They watch you in complete silence but a voice from behind them breaks that silence.

Derick: Don't make it sound like you're some badass!

They all turn to see Derick walk up to the rest of you, clutching his shoulder tightly.

Derick: I'm the reason we managed to kill that bastard don't ever for get that or the fact that your sword went through my shoulder.

He pushes past Damien and the two of you stare each other down.

Derick: I'll make sure to pay you back.

You: We'll see about that later, right now our main focus is getting the others free and making sure Hunter doesn't get the chance to do all this again.

Kenny: Don't worry, we're with ya.

Damien: What?

Kenny: This kid saved my ass many times over, he's like family.

Damien: You expect us to belive that?

Some of the people with Damien agree with him but not all of them.

Kenny: A few years ago, I was trapped with nowhere to go. I was walker food but he gave me a chance, he risked his own safety by giving me his gun. I was able to escape. A kid his age at the time needed a weapon more than anything but he was willing to give his so I could live.

Kenny puts his hand on your shoulder.

Kenny: I owe my life to this kid.

You: Thanks Kenny.

As the others begin to come around and for a while it seems a bit peaceful, someone has to ruin it.

Derick: Look enough with the feel good moments, if we don't hurry up we'll find the others either dead or tortured worse than us!

You: As much as I hate to say it he's got a point.

Derick: Of course I do!!

Kenny: Then we better get going. More of our people are up ahead, if we get a head start now we'll get there by night time or earlier if we pick up the pace.

Damien: You sure you two will be up for it?

You quickly remember the time your injuries healed up despite them being extreme and you not receiving any medical help. You and Derick right now are in much better states than when Hunter put you in that room. Chances are you'll heal up as the day goes by, that antidote sure is something.

You: We'll be fine, let's hurry.

Kenny: Alright then, everyone grab all your stuff and let's go.

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