Chapter 6 - The Cruelty of Humans

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You, Carley and Ben were making your way to the farm and saw Andrew outside holding a gun.

Ben: Uh guys why does he have his gun out.

Carley: I don't know but we should probably stay hidden, just in case.

Y/N: Hey there comes Danny get down.

You all conceal yourselves as he walks towards the barn were Andrew is posted.

Andrew: Shouldn't you be in the barn monitoring those folks.

Danny: Don't worry they aren't getting out.

Andrew: Just stay on guard and don't mess up. You saw what happened with that Mark guy.

Danny: I got it don't worry.

Andrew: Just please don't make momma angry I don't want to be on the receiving end of her anger.

Andrew walks away and Danny walks into the barn and after a few seconds a gun shot is heard and a loud scream follows.

Y/N: What's going on?

Carley: I don't know but we should sat put.

Ben: I agree.

Y/N: But what if they need our help. We should go and help.

Carley: If we go you would be in danger and I'm not letting that happen.

Y/N: I'll stay with you.

Carley: Fine.

Ben: What should I do?

Carley: Stay behind and be our eyes and ears.

Ben: Ok.

You 2 move forward and see Lee crouch out of the barn.

Carley: Lee.

He hears Carley and walks over to the both of you.

Carley: What's going on here?

Lee: The people here are fucking crazy, they cut off Mark's legs and tried to feed him to us.

Carley: Oh my God!

Lee: Yeah it's pretty fucked.

Y/N: Where's Clem and Duck?

Lee: She's in the barn with Lilly but Duck and Katjaa are missing.

Y/N: What where's Kenny?

Lee: He went looking for them and now he's gone missing too. We might need some help.

Carley: I only brought my gun and Y/N has his knife.

Lee: That's good enough.

Carley: What's the plan.

Lee: I'll go in the house looking for Katjaa and Duck you guys go meet up with Lilly and Clem. If I find them we'll come get you guys and head back to he motel.

Carley: Ok.

You, Carley and Ben moved to the barn and Lee goes to the house. You walk in and see Danny caught in a bear trap. Lilly and Clem are looking for weapons in the barn so they don't see you guys enter.

Danny: Please help me.

His voice is weak and his leg is damaged beyond repair.

Carley: After what you did to our friends you expect us to help you, you really are a helpless fool.

Danny: Please.

You all walk past him and go over to Clem and Lilly.

Carley: Lilly?

They turn to see the 3 of you. Clem runs over to you and gives you a hug and you return it.

Y/N: Are you okay Clem.

Clem: A little.

Carley: Where's Larry is he okay.

Lilly looks down and so does Clem.

Lilly: He's dead.

The news chills the 3 of you to the bone. Even though you didn't like him you didn't want him to die.

Carley: What ?

Lilly: He's gone, Kenny put a salt rock through his skull after he collapsed from a heart attack.

Y/N: I'm sorry Lilly.

Lilly: You don't have to apologize Y/N. You didn't do anything wrong.

Y/N: Are you going to be okay?

Lilly: I'll try but I don't know if I could do it.

Carley: I know you and I aren't exactly the best of friends but I'll try my best to help you anyway I can.

Lilly: Alright let's just drop this and go meet up with Lee and the others.

Carley: We should go around the back, it's safer that way.

Ben: Won't we be spotted I mean we have a lot of people.

Y/N: He's right.

Lilly: I'll stay here and use my rifle incase things get messy.

Carley: I'll go, Y/N?

Y/N: I..

You whisper to Carley.

Y/N: I want to come with you but Clem looks like she needs a friend right now.

Carley: I understand, how about I take your knife.

You give her your knife and she heads off with Ben following her. You walk over to Clem and pull her into an embrace.

A few moments later Andrew appears holding Duck at gun point.

Kenny tries to save Duck but gets shot in the gut and a bullet obliterates Andrew's ear making him let go of Duck.

Lee goes for the gun and the 2 struggle but Andrew gets the advantage and pulls Lee towards the electric fence.

The angle is too hard for Carley so Lilly takes the shot freeing Lee. He gets on top of Andrew and begins to best him down repeatedly and is stopped by Carley.

Andrew gets up and demands Lee finishes him off but the farm gets overrun by walkers and the group heads home feeling defeated but somewhat hopeful that only 2 people died.

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