Chapter 27 - Y/N's on point

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While holding down the door, a walker arm crashes through a nearby window.

You: We gotta move.

Christa: This place is sturdy, we'll be fine.

More Walkers pile up on the door and finally break it down and more climb in through the Windows.

Lee: Sturdy my ass! Go upstairs!

Everyone runs upstairs except you and Lee. A reanimated Brie walks into the house.

You: Brie.

You feel guilty but know what you must do as you stab her on the knee knocking her down and killing her with a knife through the skull.

Lee: Let's go.

The two of you run up the stairs and join the others who are shooting walkers as Kenny tries to push a desk.

Kenny: GUYS, help me with this.

The two of you help Lee push the desk in an attempt to block off the walkers.

Christa: Everyone get to the end of the hallway!

Kenny: This'll slow 'em down. We get to the end of the hallway

You: And then what?

Kenny: Take a fucking stand.

Everyone gathers at the end of the hallway with their weapons drawn.

Lee: We can't let ourselves get trapped.

Kenny: Let's get as many as we can. And when we see an opening, we go for it. How many bullets y'all have?

Christa: Three.

Lee: Five.

Omid: Four.

You: Lee take my gun.

Lee: What?

You: I'll look for a way out while you guys hold them off.

Lee: Smart thinking.

You hand Lee the gun and start looking for ways to escape.

Kenny: Y'all know where to aim.

Christa: Get ready.

Walkers approach the group and everyone fires at them while you look around.

You (thoughts): Doesn't look like we aren't making it outta this one.

You look up and notice a string.

You: Lee this place has an attic right!

Lee: Yeah, why?

You: I think we've got an opening.

Kenny: What?

Lee: The attic.

Lee pulls the string that opens the attic door.

Lee: GO!

Everyone runs to the attic and Lee drops his gun. You pick it up and follow him into the attic, closing the door behind you.

You: Hey Lee, here.

You offer him the gun.

Lee: Where did..

You: You dropped it.

Lee takes the gun.

Lee: Thanks. And this belongs to you.

He hands you back your gun.

Lee: The clips empty. Sorry.

You: It bought me time to find a way out so don't worry about it.

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