Chapter 54 - True nature revealed

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You walk into the room and Clem follows suit, closing the door behind her. You sit in the bed with your axe in your hands and Clem sits next to you.

Clem: What'd you want to talk about? The boys?

You nod in agreement.

Clem: When you were gone I talked with the others about it, Karen helped me out.

You: That's good.

You focus your gaze on your axe. After a few seconds of silence you finally speak still looking at the axe.

You: I fought Derick.

Clem: What?

You: We'll need all the help to get Liam and AJ back, Derick is one of the best here so...I needed to get him on our side but knowing him he wouldn't agree so easily. Fighting him was the only way to get him to help us and I agreed.

You sigh.

You: I know it was stupid...but I...never mind.

Clem: Y/N you hate Derick and he hates you, but you put that aside to help get the kids, that isn't stupid at all.

She puts her hand on yours and you turn your gaze towards her to notice a sympathetic smile on her face.

Clem: You're a kind hearted person, annoying some times, but kind hearted. I'm sure you made the right decision, for everyone, even if it was painful you still went through with it.

She interlocks her fingers with yours.

You: Thanks Clem but for the record, I didn't lose, it was a draw.

She giggles at your sudden change of mood.

Clem: Glad to see you're better now.

The two of you stay in a comfortable silence for a while before Clementine gets up.

You: Where are you going?

Clem: You left early in the morning and are probably hungry so I'm going to get you some food. Don't worry I'll be right back.

She gives you a smile before walking out of the room.

Now that you're alone you try to think ahead, make a plan that'll keep everyone safe. Stealth is our best chance of survival but with a group of 8 it isn't going to be easy. Weapons are going to be essential as well, everyone has a gun and knife along with their own favourite weapon, however Clem doesn't. You lay on the bed, trying to come up with something Clem could use as a weapon. You turn to your axe, rifle and knife. One of the could suffice, a knife in close combat, a rifle to kill walkers or people from a distance. The axe probably isn't the best to give her, it's heavy enough for you to use.


You get up and ran your axe, ready to head back to the forest. You open the door and are taken down by someone, falling to the floor with a loud thud.

You look at the person laying on top of you to see an embarrassed Ashley still laying on top of you.

Ashley: Sorry Y/N.

You: Don't sweat it...uhh can you get off.

She gets to her feet quickly and helps you up.

Ashley: I'm really sorry Y/N.

You pick up your axe from the floor.

You: It's alright Ashley.

She notices the axe in your hand.

Ashley: Where are you going?

You: Too look for something, don't worry I'll be safe.

You put the axe on your back and before she can respond you're already gone. You get out of the Cabin and take a few steps before a deep voice calls out your name. You turn to see Jonathan approach you.

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