Chapter 60 - We made it

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As the snow begins to land on Jonathan's head you make your way to Derick who is still laying on the ground. You crouch down next to him and check his pulse.

You: He's still alive...but it doesn't look like he's getting up anytime soon.

You take a look at Jonathan's dead body.

You: And after killing that bastard Hunter will kill us if we walk back there.

You pick Derick up and place him on your shoulders.

You: We'll have to make it to the people who killed Hunter's men. The could help us.

You take your sword and his bat and continue the journey with Derick on your shoulders. With the intense cold and your bruises and cuts, it wasn't going to be easy. At times you felt like falling down and not getting up, your right arm was getting more and more painful but you kept moving. Thank God a lot of walkers freeze up before they can get to you, giving you enough time to run away. It seemed like you weren't getting any closer and you were about to give up but you hope was rekindled when you see a small camp ahead.

Just a little bit further.

You push through the pain and keep going forward but come to an abrupt stop when 5 people aim their guns at you.

Man1: What do you want boy?!

You: We...need help!

Woman1: How can we believe you, you could be working for Hunter!

You: We don't work for the bastard!

Man1: That's what anyone would say if they want to live.

You: It's the truth!

The woman aims the gun at your head.

Woman1: Sorry kid but this is a risk we can't afford to...

???: Hold on!!

All of them look behind them as a person walks up to them. He stares at you, he seemed familiar but you didn't know exactly who he was, however a few words from him enough to confirm who he was.

???: Who are you kid?

You couldn't believe it.

You: Y...Y/N.

His eyes widen in shock as he approaches you. He takes a few steps and stands face to face with you.

You: Good to see you...Kenny.

He smiles at you and wipes some blood off you head.

Kenny: Come on, let's get you two fixed up.

He says taking Derick from your shoulders and carrying him the rest of the way as the two of you approach the camp site.

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