Chapter 47 - A Warrior's Struggle is Rewarded

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A blood red lake and a screaming girl getting torn up. Images and flashes of these events run unfold in front of you as you stand there, helpless to do anything. You try to save her but are held down by walkers who pile up on top of you. You struggle to get free but they keep piling up on you.

???: Wake up Y/N!!

A familiar voice calls out to you from the group of walkers. You punch the walkers away but the pressure on your body keeps increasing.

???: Y/N wake up!! Wake up!!

The voice grows louder and the walkers begin to move away from you. Their undead bodies get off you and a hand reaches out to you. You lift up your arm and reach out to the hand ehen your eyes finally open.


???: Safe, you're safe Y/N.

You turn your head and see a face you've not seen for many years. A smile you've missed and the voice that's kept you going for many years.

You: M...M..Mom?

Mom: Hi honey.

You: You''re really here?

You ask in disbelief.

She responds with a warm hug. You stay in the embrace for a while before letting go.

Mom: Is that enough proof?

You: Yeah, sorry.

Mom: I know how you feel Y/N, I didn't believe it when I found you. I..didn't know how to feel, happy that I've found my son after so long or hurt that I left you to face so much on your own.

You: It's okay mom, you did all you could to help me.

Mom: How?

You: Everything you taught me back at home kept me alive. I never would've made it without you.

Mom: Thanks sweetie.

She kisses the top of your head.

You: How long has it been since you found me anyway?

Mom: It's been about 6 months since I found you.

You (thoughts): What!? 6 months! But how am I alive?

You lift up your left arm and look at your wrist. It has bandages wrapped around it.

Mom: I..know it doesn't make sense to you. How you're alive.

You: You saw it?

Mom: Yes...I know you got bit.

There is a moment of silence in the room.

Mom: When I found you, you were in a bad way. You were extremely cold and weren't breathing well. I saw the bite when trying to get you to wake up.

You look down at your wrist.

Mom: I picked you up and brought you here as fast as I could. When we got here, some scientists worked on getting you alive.

You: But I was bit.

Mom: I know. They've been working on a way to increase the physical abilites of soldiers 10 years before the walkers came to be. After that they turned their attention to making a cure and they used their earlier project as a base. They tried for months to bring you back and one month ago your vitals were finally back to normal.

You: Does that mean?

Mom: As far as we know, you're immune but we don't know what will happen if you got bit again. Some of the last patients got turned into walkers even after they got treated. So don't go around getting yourself bit okay.

You: Okay.

Mom: Now get some rest. When you feel better you can put on the clothes on the desk.

She walks out and leaves you to your thoughts. You lay on the bed and look at the ceiling, wondering about the others. Clem, Kenny, Liam, Omid everyone. Are they safe, did they get the supplies from Arvo's house. You begin to feel saddened when thoughts of Sarah flood your mind and her final act to save you. No matter what happens her sacrifice will not be for nothing.

You swing your legs onto the wooden floor and get out of the bed. You go over to the desk and put on your new clothes. Black jeans, red shirt, black Jean jacket and black combat boots. Didn't think these clothes were still there. You walk over to the mirror and take a look at yourself. Not that bad.

You look at the desk and notice a note on it.

Doctor said you're going to need a leg brace for your left leg so I placed it on the foot of your bed. Make sure to put it on when you get dressed.
Love Karen

You: Come to think of it, it's been a long time since I've said my mom's name. Kinda weird on my part.

You pick up the leg brace and put it on. It reminds you of Arvo and what happened months before.

You: Hopefully I won't need it forever.

You get up and leave the room.

Upon your exit you see people moving around but what caught your eye, more specifically your nose, was the smell of fresh food. You pinched yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming when your mom comes over to you carrying two plates.

Mom: I bet you're hungry. C'mon let's go.

You follow her to an unoccupied table and she sets a plate in front of you.

Mom: It may not be the best food in the world but hey, it's better than nothing.

You: Thanks mom.

You begin eating but slowly come to a stop.

Mom: Is it that bad?

She asks nervously.

You: It's not the food.

Mom: Then what...?

You: I'm worried about the group I was with. I...don't know if they're okay.

You look at your food in sadness when your mom pokes your head.

Mom: It's okay for you to be worried, it shows you care. Do you want to tell me about them?

After giving her a smile you tell her your story, the struggles and the triumphs, the many people you met and how they helped you or how they tried to harm you. The number of sacrifices they made to get you here and the many fights you endured to defend others.

Mom: It sounds like you've had it hard but don't worry anymore, this place is safe.

You: Where are we anyway?

Mom: Well we're to begin...

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