Chapter 70

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Readers pov
As Clem leads you towards her house you realize that your still hand in hand and enjoying the feeling. It isn't the same as with Karen and you don't want it to stop or be around anyone else, not yet anyway.

You: Hey Clem.

You say coming to a stop and she does as well. Turning her gaze towards you and thinking for a short while she speaks.

Clem: Not feeling comfortable with the idea of being around people yet?

You nod slowly before responding.

You: Is it that obvious?

Clem: Considering how you've been feeling recently, what you went through with the whole Hunter thing and the fact that you've been my closest friend for the past few years it's pretty obvious, well to me anyways. I just wanted to make that feeling go away by spending time with the your friends.

You: I appreciate it, really. I'm just not ready for large crowds of people yet, maybe we can just go somewhere more secluded for a little while. I've really missed being with you and after the confession I guess I want to spend more time with you if that's okay with you of course.

She gives you a soft smile before responding.

Clem: It's alright and I would love to spend time with you too before the walkers and other maniacs try to take you away from me but this time I won't let them. Not again.

The last part is said very quietly but you manage to catch it. She sighs before looking down. An uncomfortable silence washes over the two of you for some time before you place your hands on her shoulders and lspeak up.

You: Clementine.

She looks up at you, noticing the serious expression on your face.

You: I want you to know that what happened to me isn't in any way your fault...

She interjects before you can continue.

Clem: I could've at least done something, I'm not a little kid anymore.

Her eyes get teary but she continues.

Clem: I...I don't want to lose you cause I didn't...

You pull her into an embrace before she can finish. You hold each other, enjoying the warmth. With her head on your chest she speaks.

Clem: I don't want to leave your side, ever.

You hold her closer, kiss the top of her head and speak softly.

You: I know.

Seeing more people moving around you decide to go somewhere private so you can talk. You gently pick her up bridal style making her blush.

You: Don't worry, just going someplace less...populated.

Clem: There's a...park nearby, most kids aren't up by this time so we can spend some time alone.

She says softly.

You: That's great.

You say while going to the nearby park.

Clem: You sure your arm will be okay.

She asks, concern evident in her voice.

You: Don't worry I'll be fine, besides I like it when your this close to me.

Her blush gets worse making you laugh. She hits your chest playfully muttering idiot before she rests her head on your shoulder and closes her eyes. Once there you sit under a tree, talking about anything and everything, having a laugh and generally acting like your age for once. While talking your stomach growls making Clem give off a cute giggle.

Clem: Looks like we spent more time than we realized. Come one let's go eat before that monster in your gut gets worse.

She says while laughing. You try to say something but your stomach growls louder making her laugh harder.

Clem: C'mon let's go.

She says as the two of you get up and go find some food, hands intertwined and smiles on your faces. After a while you arrive to see Kenny, Karen, Kate, Ashley, Sam all sitting around a wooden table, conversing and enjoying their meal.

You: It's nice seeing them happy after all that's happened.

Clem: Yeah.

The two of you spot Derick sitting away from the others.

You: Seems like he hasn't made any progress in the friendly department.

Clem: I think it would be weird if he did.

You: Point taken.

You both notice Liam and AJ sitting near the others with sad expressions, it's obvious to the others as Ashley tries to cheer them up but nothing works.

Clem: We should go, it hurts me seeing them like that.

You let go of her hand and get behind Liam who separated himself from the others.

You: What's wrong bud.

He turns around quickly and his emotions make a complete 180.

Liam: Y/N!

He shouts jumping on you and giving you a big hug, making the others notice you. You notice the tears in his eyes.

Liam: Don't leave me again.

He says through sobs.

You: Sorry for making you worry, I promise I'll never leave you.

Liam: Really.

He asks hope in his eyes. You nod and he tightens his grip on you. You chuckle to yourself and mumble to yourself.

You: It's good to be back.

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