Chapter 72

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Silence engulfed the small group after hearing the words muttered by their leaders, hoping that Javier would start chuckling and cracking up or Kate would show off a devious smirk or something...anything...but the serious expressions they wore crushed any hopes of that happening.

Ashley: H-How, w-why?

She stuttered out, disbelief evident in her soft voice which was freed from all the happiness from earlier. A deflated sigh came from Javier, gaining the attention of the others as he began speaking.

Javier: Communities, power, that's the cause...

A small pause followed as he ran a hand through his beard, frustration clearly visible on his face. Sighing once more, he continued.

Javier: These days it's obvious that surviving on your own is a blatant death sentence and the best way to live is being part of a group, a community. Everyone agrees on that, but not everyone agrees on how these communities run or operate...

After another pause the topic was discussed once more, but by Derick.

Derick: Those contrasting ideals result in conflicts and...are the reason for this war, right?

Despite having all eyes on him, he ignored them all as he found the sky more interesting.

Kate: Yes, unfortunately.

AJ, who'd been silent the whole, decided to throw in his two cents.

AJ: But what does this have to do with us?

He asked, rubbing the back of his neck in confusion with Liam agreeing with him. The answer this time came from Kenny, who's tone matched the serious face he wore.

Kenny: To fight a war you need soldiers and if you don't ave any, you recruit new ones, no matter what it takes.

Once again the uncomfortable silence fell upon the group as they mull over Kenny's response and even if they tried to deny it, they knew that in this day and age, it really didn't matter when it came to most. As long as they see their ideals come to fruition, it doesn't matter.

Clementine: How bad are things looking now?

A small smile came onto Javier's face as he spoke.

Javier: It's pretty early in the game so things are, for the most part, normal. But in some time normal won't be...

He motions towards the peaceful expressions on the adults, the bright smiles on children's faces and much more.

Javier: This anymore.

Clementine: Not if we act fast.

She interjected almost immediately while simultaneously gaining the attention of the others.

Clementine: A lot of death and destruction can be avoided if we come up with a plan, and act on it fast.

Having taken in her words you couldn't help but smile at her, something that Kate unfortunately took note of.

Kate: Smart, beautiful and dangerous, you know how to pick them Y/N.

The sudden statement caused your faces to heat up, Clem more than you, which thankfully lifted the tension of the situation as laughter emanated from the group, even the children much to your and Clementine's dismay.

You: I'm the lucky one here, it's not easy finding someone like Clem.

You mumble to yourself during their laughing fit but the subject managed to hear your words, making her looks towards you with wide eyes.

Clementine: You think so?

She said soflty. Internally cursing yourself for being heard all you do is nod while giving off a warm smile, earning you a light peck to the cheek.

Clementine: Thanks, I feel the same way about you too.

A chorus of aww's came from the girls who, you now just realized, had quited down from their laughter with the the other males just watching in with smiles, except for one...

Derick: Alright, let's get back to business before I puke.

He mumbled before getting a plastic spoon thrown at his head, courtesy of the two boys who were sticking their tongues out and calling him a buzzkill, getting even greater laughter from the others while Derick just mumble to himself.

Karen: Anyways, I think Clem's right, acting now is better than waiting for something to happen.

After a short pause, Ashley speaks.

Ashley: It's probably for the best if we spend the rest of the day coming up with a few ideas on what to do, besides the obvious get more ammo, more weapons, tighter security and the like.

Javier: I'd also like to keep this under wraps for know.

You turned to him as he continued.

Javier: Very few people know of this and until we've come up with a concrete plan, it's all just theories and assumptions for now.

Kenny: Guess that makes sense.

After a few thanks and reminders the group slowly began to dissolve, with everyone going with someone else to do their own thing while in Derick's case is to get away from annoyances, until it was just you, Clementine,  Liam and AJ. A comfortable silence had engulfed the group as you enjoyed the presence of the others but it would by Clem.

Clementine: Let's go back to the house for now, we don't have any jobs and I think we need to rest up if we want to think straight.

Agreeing immediately you all leisurely walked back to your home, still in silence. Upon entry, both you and Clem headed for the bed while the boys focused on their favourite pass time, drawing.

You: We don't need to come up with anything right now, right?

You asked the girl who's head was buried in the crook of your neck

Clementine: Tired?

Came her muffled response which tickled you a bit.

You: Not really, just want to relax with you. I don't know if I'll have too many chances in the future.

You thought the last part to yourself but due the slightest hint of sadness in your voice that managed to slip through, Clementine brought you into a tighter embrace.

Clementine: We'll find a way through this, don't worry.

She said never raising her head from it's position.

You: I...I hope so...I don't want to lose you or anyone else.

Fresh tears hit your neck as she kisses your cheek once more.

Clementine: Me neither.

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