Chapter 58 - No more

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Quick short chapter to refresh myself with. Hope it's good.

Reader's Pov
Night has passed and it is time to keep moving. You all quickly pack up your weapons, you grab your sword while Derick gets his barbwire baseball, all your guns including Jonathan ran out of bullets last night after a herd attacked. After Jonathan gets all his stuff you start walking. A few hours pass and you're still walking with no word being said the entire way. Tension levels are high and you all hate each other so it's understandable. As you approach some trees you notice a body on the ground. Jonathan inspects the body.

Jonathan: Ross, one of the men sent of the mission. Shot through the head.

Derick: More up ahead.

As he says there were more bodies littered on the ground. About 10, all shot through the head.

You: People who did this weren't fucking around.

You walk over to one of the bodies, a female with short white hair. She has a bullet through her eye and another in her neck.

You: They didn't give her a chance, not that I'd blame them.

Jonathan: WHO?!

He gets up and runs over to you. He knocks you to the ground and crouches down near the dead woman.

You: The fuck are you doing?

He ignores you and focuses on the woman. You get to your feet as Derick walks up to you.

Derick: We found your people so let's go back, unlike you we have people that actually want to see us you fuck.

Jonathan: No...We find the people who did this...and we kill them. Every single one of them.

You: No, that wasn't part of the mission. Our job was to find them and we did that so let's go.

You begin walking with Derick following you when Jonathan begins to talk.

Jonathan: This woman, do you know who she is.

You both turn to Jonathan who gets to his feet with the woman in his arms.

Jonathan: Her importance is crucial to our community and this action is unacceptable. We will avenge her death along with the deaths of our other fallen soldiers.

You: Why would we care about some woman?! Tell me why!!!

Jonathan: You should care because with her dead Hunter will bring about the deaths of all of you.

Derick: What?

Jonathan: They were assigned to collect weapons from a community up ahead so an attack could be launched at the Cabin. After they didn't show up it was up to me to make sure you didn't attack first.

Derick grunts and you ball up your hand into a fist as Jonathan keeps rambling on.

Jonathan: He will blame you for her death.

Derick: Enough with the suspense what's the bitch's to Hunter?!

Jonathan: His younger sister, who should be avenged by you if you want to secure the safety of your family.

He puts her down and begins walking forward but he stops when you speak up.

You: We aren't going anywhere!

Jonathan: We don't have the time to listen to you run your mouth aimlessly Y/N, time isn't on our side.

You: Then I'll make this short and sweet, I'm tired of your shit and I'm making sure it ends here.

Jonathan looks at you confused then begins laughing histerically.

Jonathan: I think Hunter may have damaged your brain cells when he tortured you.

He continues laughing but gets cut off by Derick.

Derick: You're right there is something wrong with his head.

Derick throws his bat on the ground and cracks his knuckles.

Derick: Cause I'll be the one to kill you.

He steps back slowly as throw your sword down as well and prepare to kill him with your own hands.

Jonathan: Walkers will freeze up in this cold, there will be no one to interrupt this. Are you sure you want this place to be your grave site?

You stay silent and give him death stares which give him his answer.

Jonathan: Very well. I'll enjoy killing you first then the rest of those idiots.

You: We'll see about that.

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