Chapter 4 - Life only gets harder

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It's been 3 months since you met the group and things haven't been easy. Food is becoming more scarce and more of the dead keep roaming the streets. You've spent half your time thinking about your old life, your mom,dad and Rachel. The other was spent with Clem and Duck, more with Clem since she too was missing her parents and could understand you a lot better than anyone else. Lee, Kenny and Mark went hunting for food and left you, Clem, Duck, Katjaa, Larry and Lilly.

You stand alone near the steps thinking.

Y/N: I wonder if we will I food today, I'm starving but I guess if the others can eat then I'll just stay strong.

A few moments later you hear footsteps approach you. You look up and see Clem holding a ball.

Clem: Hi Y/N I found this ball a while back wanna play?

Y/N: Sure.

You get up and notice something off.

Y/N: Clem where is your hat?

Clem: I don't know, I lost it a few days ago.

A sad expression washes over her face. You pull her in for a hug.

Y/N: I'm sorry Clem if I find it I'll let you know.

Clem: Thanks, now let's play.

The 2 of you play for a while until Lilly signals for everyone to get down, screams in the forest can be heard and seconds later Lee bursts out of the forest carrying a man on his shoulders. Kenny, Mark and a

Lee: Open the gates!!

Lilly: The hell!

You and Duck rush to open the gates. Lee puts the man on the back of the truck and it is revealed that he had no leg. Everyone begins to crowd around at the site.

Lilly: Lee what the fuck is going on?

Lee: We found him caught in a bear trap, we had to help him.

Lilly: Lee we can't help every single struggling person we come across.

Carley: Well we can't let let them die either we'd just be as bad as the walkers.

Lilly gives Carley a death stare  but Carley does not cower.

Kenny: Look a situation came up and Lee made a decision that's it.

He walks away from the crowd and decide to do the same to avoid listening to them argue for the 100th time this week. You go over to Duck to try and talk to him more but he just keeps talking about random stuff so you leave him alone and go back to the stairs. Carley notices and walks over to you.

Carley: Hey kiddo what's on your mind.

Y/N: Just bored.

Carley: Why don't you go and play with Duck?

Y/N: I tried but it didn't work.

Carley: Ok what about Clem you always talk with her.

Y/N: I think that sometimes I should give her some space so that I don't end up annoying her.

Carley: I guess that makes sense.

Y/N: Yeah it would suck if she didn't want to be my friend anymore.

Carley: Don't worry Y/N she'll always be there for you and you will always be there for her.

She puts her arm over your shoulder and gives you a light hug. You then place your head on her shoulder.

Y/N: I miss Glenn.

Carley: You new him for a few days but you 2 had a connection as if you were family, but I miss him too.

Y/N: I....umm....I sort of lied.

Carley: About what?

Y/N: What had happened to me before I met you guys.

Carley: You want to tell me what really happened?

You nod your head.

Y/N: 3 years ago my father had left home for good and my mom was worried that she would not be able to take care of me while working all day and night. She decided to have me stay with my aunt since I would be able to live an easier life.

Carley: That's good right?

Y/N: Well not really, for the next 3 years she would insult and injure me repeatedly, I even became a regular at the hospital and I had enough. The day before I met you we got into a fight and I ended up in the attic with all the injuries you saw.

You feel tears forming in your eyes and Carley pulls you in for a warm hug.

Carley: I'm sorry Y/N you've had to experience so much for someone so young but I promise you that I won't let anyone hurt you again.

Y/N: Thanks Carley but I don't want you getting hurt for me, I think I'll feel way worse pain than what I felt for the past 3 years.

Carley: Then we'll protect each other, promise.

Y/N: Promise.

Lee walks over to you guys with a packet of cheese and crackers.

Lee: Hey Y/N take some food.

Y/N: What about you guys?

Carley: Don't worry about us worry about yourself okay, you've already spent a day without eating. You need energy to keep surviving.

Y/N: Okay.

You take the food only to realize how hungry you have been and you scoff it down.

Carley: That was fast.

You pout but can't resist laughing. Lee gives you 2 space and goes to help with the wall and the wounded man. A few moments later a scream is heard. You and Carley dart up and rush over to the source.

Lee: Get off her you bastard.

He pulls the reanimated man off Katjaa but he lunges onto Lee and pins him down. Carley helps Lee and you get her gun and shoot the walker in the head, killing it.

Carley: Nice shot.

Y/N: I had a great teacher.

Everyone walks up and turn to the new teenager who had fear all over his face.

Kenny: You have some talking to do shitbird, why didn't you tell us your friend was bitten.

Ben: I swear he wasn't bitten.

Kenny: Don't bullshit me boy, if he didn't get bit then why the fuck did he turn and try to kill my wife.

Ben: Wait you don't know.

Lee: Know what?

Ben: You don't turn when you are bitten, if you die and the brain is not destroyed you come back as a walker whether you got bit or not.

Mark: What are you trying to say.

Ben: Everyone is infected and the only way to make sure someone doesn't reanimate...

Lilly: You have to destroy the brain.

Lee: God help us.

The realization that they were all infected hit them hard and a deafening silence loomed over the motel.

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