Chapter 31 - Close Call

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A lot of time has passed since me and Clem left Savannah and met up with Christa and Omid. All we've been doing is moving around in search of food, ammo basically anything that can keep us alive and for the past few days we've been walking through the forest and.

Christa and Omid are talking about something while Clem and I drag behind having our own conversation.

Clem: How's your arm Y/N.

You: It's not completely okay but I'm feeling a lot better.

Clem: That's good, I don't like seeing you in pain.

You: Thanks Clem. Hey look there.

I say pointing up ahead to Gil's Pitstop.

Clem: Think there's something useful in there?

You: Maybe, we should probably catch up to them.

Clem: All right.

The two of us move closer to Christa and Omid, who are discussing the name of their unborn child.

Omid: What do you think?

Christa: Omid you can't be serious.

Omid: I am.

Christa: We are Not doing that.

Omid: Why not, I mean c'mon Christa what's wrong with Omid?

Christa: We are Not calling our baby Omid, one of you is enough. Can you guys help me out here?

Clem: What if it's a girl?

Omid: Then we name her Christa.

You: You really aren't trying hard to find a good name.

Christa: See Y/N gets it.

The conversation carries on until we arrive at Gil's Pitstop. Clem spots a can and goes to check it out and I follow her.

You: Anything in it?

Clem: No.

You sigh in defeat.

Clem: Maybe there'll be something else we can use around here.

You: Yeah, maybe.

Omid: Hey, uh why don't you two get cleaned up in the girls room.

You: Do I look like a girl.

Omid: Haha, sorry Y/N but the other one is a bit occupied.

You: Guess it doesn't really matter now.

Clem: I just hope the sink works in there.

Omid: I wouldn't count on it. Just be careful and keep track of all your things. We'll be right next door.

Clem: Okay.

Omid: Y/N?

You: Got it.

Omid goes to the boys bathroom to aid Christa while Clem and I go into the girls bathroom.

Clem: Hello.

She calls out into the run down bathroom.

You: Looks like we're the only two in here.

Clem: We should check, just in case.

You: Right.

We went on to check the whole bathroom and were relieved knowing that no one else was there with us.

Clem: Guess it's safe to get cleaned up.

You: Maybe you should go first.

Clem: What? Why me?

You: We don't have a lot of water to begin with.....and.

Clem: And?

You: You should be the one to use it, you were the one who got it in the first place.

Clem: I don't mind you using it.

You: Don't worry about me, I'll manage.

Clem: Are you..

You: Yes I'm sure.

Clem walks over to the sinks and gets cleaned up.

You: Looking better already.

Clem: Thanks.

She goes over to grab the water bottle and accidentally knocks it over, making it roll into one of the stalls.

Clem: Shoot.

You: I'll get it.

Before I can walk over to it, Clem is already walking towards it.

You: Never mind.

As she is getting the water bottle, I was close enough to the door to hear footsteps coming closer towards us but they were not from the side of boys bathroom.

You (thoughts): Might be trouble. Better get our stuff.

I quickly dashed to the sink and grabed all of Clem's stuff, leaving nothing behind.

You: Clem, open up.

I whispered to her.

Clem: What's going on?

I think someone's coming and it's not Christa or Omid.

She quickly open the stalls and I entered.

Clem: Climb up here.

You: It's gonna make noise if we both stand on it.

Clem: Shoot.

The two of us watch in the mirror as the strange girl begins looking in the stalls.

Clem: What should we do?

I pull out my gun.

You: We protect ourselves.

Clem: We won't have to shoot her right?

You: I'll only shoot if she attacks us.

Clem: Okay.

We silently step out of the stall, with both our guns drawn. As the girl exits the second stall and is about to search the last one, she stops dead in her tracks when she sees us.

Girl: Look...

You: What do you want?

Girl: I'm..I'm just looking for something...something to help me.

Clem: There's nothing here.

Girl: I was just making sure.

You: Know you're sure, so leave.

Girl: You know, you''re just kids, you shouldn't be playing with....

Before she can say anything else, the door swings open as Christa and Omid arrive.

Christa: What's going on here?!

Girl: I'm...I was..I..uh

You: Things are looking real bad for you. It's probably a good idea for you to leave and never come back.

Girl: I..I...

Christa: Stop stuttering and get lost.

She takes the advice and runs as fast as she could.

Clem: That was close.

Omid: Not really, it looks like you guys handled yourselves pretty well.

You: We listen to what you said.

Omid: I know....I'm a great leader.

He says doing a super hero pose. Clem starts chuckling and so do I.

Christa: Don't get ahead of yourself.

You: Let's get going, I don't want to run into another person wondering around.

Clem: Y/N's right.

Christa: Alright, let's go.

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