Chapter 63 - The nightmare ends?

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Clem's Pov
Spending yet another night inside a small room has arrived with Y/N and Derick not bring back yet, despite how much you try to stay strong you can feel yourself get sadder. Even Ashley, Sam and Karen are visibly more down than ever but the same can't be said about Hunter's soldiers who are more laid back and relaxed than ever.

Ashley gets up off the floor, walks to the door and looks through a small opening.

Karen: What's happening out there?

Ashley: The same thing as yesterday, they're walking around with beers in their hands and laughing their asses off.

Karen: How far are they from us?

Ashley: A good distance from us, why?

Karen gets up and pulls out a knife from her boot.

Sam: Where'd you get that?

Karen: Don't worry about it.

She peeks through the hole herself before beginning to fiddle with the door handle.

You: Ashley keep a lookout for Karen.

She nods and peeks through the hole, you look around the room, all that's inside is us.


Our only protection is a knife.

Karen: I think I got it.

The rest of you walk over to her as she opens the door slightly.

Karen: Looks like we're in the clear.

Sam: Where are we going?

Karen: Looking for the kids, that's the whole reason we wanted to come here in the first place.

Ashley: We'll need to get weapons, can't rely on a knife.

Sam: She's right.

You: Alright, Sam and Ashley will look for guns while Karen and I go get the kids.

Karen: Make sure they don't see you but if they know what has to be done.

They nod and move out, you and Karen do the same. You pass by multiple drunk bastards who are too relaxed but right now you're thankful for it.

You: How far do we have left?

She points at a nearby shack.

You: Okay.

Before you can approach it you see a an armed person walk into the shack.

You: Damn it.

Karen: Don't lose hope Clem.

You: I'm not losing hope, it's just that this got a lot harder.

Karen: Life has always been hard, it also differentiates the weak from the strong.

You: Huh?

Karen: The strong get knocked down but always get up again, the weak make excuses and give up.

You: I'm not the type to just give up.

Karen: Then let's go.

You slowly approach the shack trying your best to stay out of sight. After making it to the door you place your ears on the door. You can hear the voice of a girl.

Karen: Talia?

You: Who?

Karen: The girl who nursed me back to health, on of the people that were sent to get Y/N. She could know where he is.

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