Chapter 26 - Savannah the land of the dead

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Lee: You got th...

Before he can continue, the bonesaw cuts deep into his arm, forcing a scream.


You avoid losing your concentration by responding to him and focus on getting his arm off as quick as you can. With every movement the bonesaw makes, blood splatters on the table and all over you and Lee.

You (thoughts): Almost...there!

The lower half of Lee's arm is hanging on by a thread and after one last swift movement with the bonesaw, it completely detached from Lee and rests on the blood soaked table.

You breath out heavily, now realizing what you had done.

You: Lee!

You turn to see him laying on the floor, unconscious, but alive.

You: I guess I was so distracted I didn't notice. I better take care of his arm before it gets infected, or worse.

You spent the next few minutes taking care of Lee's arm, even though you have some experience taking care of your injuries while staying with Rachel never a cut off arm. 

You: All done. Huh?

You look at the table and notice Lee's watch, still on his arm.

You: Probably best to keep it.

You take the watch and put it in your pocket. After sometime Lee awakens.

Lee: Ugh...Fuck. Ow. Ugh. Holy shit...

You: Lee!

You want to go hug him but you see him wince in pain.

You: I'm sorry, I tried to clean it up as best as I could. I'm sorry.

You feel a hand pat you on the head. You look up to see a smile on Lee's face.

Lee: What are you apologizing for kiddo?

You: Huh? But your arm?

Lee: You did good Y/N, as far as I'm concerned you might have just saved my life.

You: I'm not so sure.

Lee: Hey, come on Y/N, don't beat yourself up. I can't think of any other 8 Year old that can do the things that you do on a daily.

You: What, crying or getting angry for no reason?

Lee: Saving lives.

You: Reallý?

Lee: Yeah and now we gotta go save another.

You: You gonna manage?

Lee: If I can't I know I can count on you. Now let's go get Clementine back.

You: All right, but we don't know where she is.

Lee: Yeah that's a problem. How about we go back to the house and meet up with the others.

You: Alright,let's go.

Lee cranks the rib spreader open, forcing the elevator doors open until it falls down. You and Lee push the doors open more.

You: That's uh...

Lee: A long way to go, yeah.

You: Let's not...let's not waste any time.

Lee: You go up first, I don't want to get my blood on you, well any more on you.

You look at yourself and notice the blood on your right hand and arm.

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