Chapter 8 - Ambush

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You notice Lee coming over so you let go of Carley and tell her that you are going to spend some time with Clem. You walk away from here and meet Lee half way up the stairs.

Y/N: Hey Lee.

Lee: Hi Y/N how are you?

Y/N: I'm alright do you want to talk with Carley?

Lee: Yeah did I interrupt you guys.

Y/N: Its okay I was going to play with Clem anyway.

Lee: Have fun.

You walk over to Clem and join her leaf rubbing. You didn't really like it but you felt bad for leaving her on her own. You tried your hardest but she  was still a lot better than you.

Y/N: This is just not fair.

You make Clem chuckle.

Clem: Don't worry you'll get better.

Y/N: But I'll never be as good as you.

Clem: Yeah probably not.


You see Y/N walk away and start to feel a little bit lonely but a few moments later you see Lee walk up to you.

Lee: Hey Carley What did you want to talk about?

Carley: I was thinking a lot..........about you.

Lee: I think about you too.

There is an awkward silence between you 2 and you try to break it.

Carley: Our group is small.

Lee: You're small.

Carley: You're convicted killer.

Lee: Carley Jesus.

Carley: It's just that I think you should tell the others about it. We're hanging by a thread and looking at the way Lilly's acting I can't help but think of her telling people about it.

Lee: I see what you mean.

Carley: Look its not because I think you're a bad guy I actually think the opposite of that and you've been doing an amazing job with helping the group.

Lee: Then why do you want me to let the others know?

Carley: Its going to upset people and even piss the off but I think it's better that way than then hearing it from you than someone else.

Lee: Okay.

Carley: So what are you going to do?

Lee: I'll tell the others about it.

Carley: Good.

You lean closer to him and give him a kiss on the cheek. You then stand on your toes to whisper into his ear.

Carley: Don't call me small.

You then move away from him.

Carley: Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?

Lee: Does Y/N know?

Carley: I haven't told him about it, he's already been through a lot in his life and I thought that me telling him would bring back bad memories.

Lee: Should I tell him?

Carley: Its your secret so you should decide. I won't be mad either way.

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