Chapter 56 - Unfortunate Teamup

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You open your eyes as the extremely cold breeze and the snow landing on your body reminded you that you're still alive. You struggle to one knee then make it to your feet. You look around and no one is in sight, for now at least. You take a look at your right arm and the new metal melted on it. It hurts like hell, maybe this is was Lee felt like when I cut his arm off maybe...maybe it's my karma. You look at your left arm, still chained to a tree and pull on it as hard as possible, trying not to make any noise as the chain makes cuts all over your arm and blood splatters on the ground but after a few more tries your left arm is free, cut all over and bloodied but free.

You: I' to...find some clothes...and shelter. I don't think I'll keep this...up any longer.

Before you can make any moves you see people approach you, two short people, both armed. You grab the chain on the ground and hide behind a tree, waiting for the perfect time to make your move. After a few seconds, you hear them run over to your direction and stop a few feet away.

Boy: Where is he?!

Girl: I don't know!

The girl walks over to the small campfire that Jonathan made yesterday. The boy stays near your tree, looking away from you.

You (thoughts): Perfect.

As silently as you can you wrap the chain around the boy's neck but not killing him. The girl doesn't notice as she still has her back turned.

Girl: Where do you think he went?

The boy attempts to talk but you tighten the chain around his neck and motion to him to shut up.

Girl: Elliott?

You look at Elliot who is reaching for his gun.

You (thoughts): If she sees me choking him out, she'll shoot me on the spot.

You release him and He falls to his knees. He takes the gun is his hands and tries to get up.

Elliot: Tali...

As he turns to your direction you kick him in the chest as hard as you can and he shoots you in the right shoulder. He falls to the ground with a thud and you take a few steps back but stay on your feet, trying to stop the bleeding.

The girl turns around quickly and locks eyes with you.

Girl: What the...?

She looks down and sees Elliot laying on the ground, trying to catch his breath.

Elliot: That's...him Talia.

She aims her gun at you as Elliot gets up to his feet.

Talia: Are you Y/N?!

You stay silent.

Talia: I asked you a question! Are.You.Y/N?!

Elliot: Come on you know it's him.

Talia: How can you be sure?

Elliot: Jonathan was given the task to make Y/N an example, look at his right arm.

She fixes her eyes at the chain melted onto your skin for some time before looking at you.

Talia: It's him for sure. Come with us, now!

You(thoughts): Guess I have no choice.

Talia: What's wrong, can't hear me?! I am NOT afraid to shoot...


Elliot walk behind you and shoves you forward.

Elliot: Just shut up and walk.

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