Chapter 43 - The end of Y/N?

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You run through the herd shooting walkers and running after Sarah.

Clem: Where is she going?

She asks killing a walker.

You: Not...

You shoot a walker in the face.

You: Sure. Just keep running.

The two of you run after Sarah until you reach a mobile home park. She runs into a trailer and shuts the door behind her.

Clem: Damn it.

You: Lets get her and go. Her screaming probably drew in a lot of walkers.

You look around and see walkers approach you.

You: Try and get her to open up. I'll hold them off.

Clem: Be careful.

You hug her before heading off.

Two walkers approach.

You: Easy.

You kill them easily and more show up.

You: I hope they get out sooner.

You fight them off but they get larger in numbers.

A walker knocks you to the ground and lunges at you. You use your feet to keep it away and kill it with your gun. You crawl from under it and try to avoid the others. You run away from the trailer Clem and Sarah are in, drawing the attention of the walkers.

???: Y/N!!

You turn around and see Nick.

You: Where are the others?

Luke: That's what we wanted to find out.

Luke appears behind Nick with walker blood on him.

Luke: We followed after you guys but got trapped along the way.

You: Well there are more walkers coming and Clem is trying to get Sarah outta there but after Carlos, I don't know...

The herd approaches the three of you.

Nick: Damn.

You: Lets buy her some time to get Sarah out of there.

Nick: More like make a last stand.

Luke: C'mon you bastards.

He takes out his gun and Nick pulls out his rifle.

You pull out your two guns and get ready for the fight.


I look out the window and see Y/N running away, with dozens and dozens of walkers after him. He needs my help but I can't leave Sarah here. I have to get her out and get back to Y/N.

Clem: Sarah! Please let me in!

Sarah: Why?! Why?!

Clem: Because I'm your friend.

She goes silent for a moment, before speaking.

Sarah: We're friends?

Clem: Yes we are, please let me help you.

She opens the door and let's me in.

Clem: Thank you.

Sarah sits on the floor and you kneel in front of her.

Clem: You helped me when we first met, now I want to help you. I know how you feel right now. It's one of the worst feelings in the world. Ever since...the walkers, so many people I know have died. People I love. And for stupid reasons... When everything started, I met my friend Lee. He tried to help me find my parents. He protected me more than anyone else in my whole life. He died to keep me safe. I was so scared.

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