Chapter 44 - Welcome to the new world

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The walk towards the others was somewhat alright. Clem and I talked the whole way there but made sure to lag behind since we didn't want to bother anyone.

You: And that's why you had a tree house.

Clem: That's right.

Jane: We made it. Welcome to Parker's Run.

Mike: Son of a bitch. You found 'em!

Luke: Yeah, I'm a little amazed myself, to tell you the truth. If it weren't for Clem, Sarah, Jane and Y/N well...I don't know what would've happened.

Rebecca, with the help of Bonnie, approaches the you.

Rebecca: Sarah. How you doing, hon?

Rebecca tries to put her hand on Sarah's shoulder, but she shrugs it away.

Sarah: I'm...I'm sorry Rebecca.

Rebecca: That's okay, sweetie. Whenever you're ready, I'm just glad you're here.

Sarah: Thanks.

Sarah goes off on her own.

Rebecca: But wait, wait. Where's Nick?

Luke: Uh, about we go for a walk for a minute?

Luke and Rebecca walk a short distance away.

Bonnie: Let's just give 'em some space. I have something I need to talk to you about, too.


You: I'll leave you guys to talk.

Clem: Will you be alright.

You: I'll be fine.

You leave Bonnie and Clem to talk. You wonder around, still feeling the effects of the earlier fight. You sit down on your own when Sarah approaches you.

Sarah: Are..are you okay?

You: I'm alright.

You say wincing in pain.

Sarah: Don't lie.

You: Well I've had worse injuries before.

Sarah: I'm sorry.

You: Don't worry about it.

Sarah: It's just that...I always put people in danger. Back at the store when...

You cut her off.

You: What happened back there wasn't your fault.

Sarah: But...

You: Losing a parent is the hardest thing ever. Trust me I know. Just try and take things easy, not even the strongest person will act normal after losing their dad a few hours ago.

Sarah: Thanks Y/N.

You: Anytime.

She gets up and walks over to Rebecca. You lay on the ground and close your eyes. Thinking about how far you've come.

???: Already 11 huh.

You open your eyes and see your mom.

You: Mom?

You sit up and she sits down next to you.

Mom: You look awful honey.

She wipes blood from your mouth.

You: It was for the right reasons, I think.

Mom: That's good, but try to take care of yourself, for me and someone else.

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