Chapter 28 - Calm before the storm

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Lee and Omid join you and Christa on the couches as Christa finishes bandaging your hand.

Christa: All done.

You: Thanks.

She walks over to Omid who is sitting across from you and Lee sits with you.

Christa: I can't believe you didn't tell us you were bitten.

Lee: I didn't want to scare anyone.

Christa: Because you were scared yourself.

Lee: I'd been bitten by a walker.

Christa: You thought we'd turn on you.

Lee: Sure.

Christa: You were scared. I don't blame you.

Omid: I would be scared shitless.

You: Same here.

Christa: It's so weird, I keep doing a double-take on your arm, expecting it to be there.

Lee: I'm hoping whatever's in their bite is gone too.

Christa: What do you think the odds are of that?

Lee: I don't know. I know everyone's wondering. Even if it just slows down the process, I'd be happy.

Christa: You don't mean that.

Omid: So when we get this guy...what do you think?

You: We get Clementine back, that's all that matters.

Omid: Sure, but if it's not that easy...

Lee: We'll do whatever it takes.

Omid: know...whatever happens to you...uh...

You feel yourself about to breakdown and sadness is all over your face. Christa takes note of it.

Christa: Seriously, can we not talk like that?

Lee: I was bitten, Christa.

Christa: Y/N cut it off.

You: They're right.

Christa: What?

You: We can't keep quiet about it.

Christa: What good is it for you guys to give up?

You: We haven't given up. It's just that....

You take a deep breath before continuing.

You: We have to have a back up plan, just in case cutting Lee's arm didn't work.

Lee: Y/N's right. I want you all to stay together.

Christa: Don't do this.

Lee: She'd be happy with all of you. You're like a family after all.

Christa: We're not do...

You: Christa, please.

You interrupt her in a sad tone.

Omid: Christa. Listen to him.

Lee: It's what I want. Okay?

Kenny approaches the group.

Kenny: Alright, I'm outta gas. You look good and rested.

Omid: Sure, if you don't count an infected leg.

Christa: You want me to do it?

Omid: Nah, hon, you can hop in after me.

Omid takes over smashing the wall with the coat rack, and Kenny takes his seat on the couch.

Kenny: Shouldn't be long now. It's good we're forced to take a breath. That, uhh...feelin' any better?

Lee: I can handle it; the pain, that is. I'm just really goddamn tired.

Kenny: Y/N how did you even come up with this idea anyway.

You: I...I don't know, It just made sense to me at the time.

Lee: Well, we might not be sure if it worked but like I said the pain is manageable.

Kenny: Heard you guys giving Lee and Y/N some hell about hiding his bite.

Christa: Yeah, of course.

Kenny: I'd have done the same thing.

Kenny puts his head in his hand.

You: You okay Kenny?

Kenny: I'm...I don't know how to answer that kiddo.

Christa: I'm sorry. You've lost more than anyone. Well, as much as anyone.

Kenny: Lee's family's gone and Y/N hasn't seen his for years.

Lee: He's fine, okay?

Christa: Chill. I know you want to get out of here. Omid's making good progress.

Kenny: I am fine. I miss my family. That's all. 'Preciate you askin' though.

Kenny: Well, he can't fight for shit.

Christa: Well, look at him.

Lee: Hey!

Kenny: Soft as rotten fruit.

Christa: Like you guys didn't have enough problems without punching each other in the face?

Kenny: Eh, he had to knock some sense into me before we met you on the train.

You: You guys fought?

Lee: Yeah. I'm sorry for hurting you in any way, Kenny. It's impossible to go through life without causing some sorta pain, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if I coulda caused a little less.

Kenny nods respectfully in response and takes a sip of whiskey before offering Lee some. He too drinks then Christa.

Kenny: Thought you would complain about us drinking with Y/N around.

He points out while looking in Christa's direction.

Christa: Uhh...

You: Don't worry about it, I know what to do and what not to do, well for kids anyway.

Kenny: Think he's calling you old.

You and Lee try as much as possible to hide your laughter as Christa stares you both down menacingly.

Christa: How far hon?

A few seconds pass before a response.

Omid: I'm through.

Omid sets down the coat rack and you look through the medium-sized hole in the wall.

You: No walkers. Things are looking up.

Everyone goes through the wall and drops down into the adjacent mansion.

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