Chapter 5 - New Hope

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As the silence is still deafening 2 strangers appear at the gate.

?????: Hello there good folks we could use your assistance.

Lee: Who are you people?

Danny: My name is Danny and this is my brother Andrew. We could really use some gasoline if you have any.

Lee: Why should we help you people.

Andrew: We have an electric fence surrounding our farm and there's plenty of food. We can offer you both protection and a decent meal.

Everyone darts up at the mention of food.

Mark: Wait you have food, seriously?

Andrew: Yep, plenty of it. So do we have a deal.

Lee: Give us a minute to think it over.

Danny: No problem.

The group huddles together to discuss the issue.

Mark: Come on guys this could be our chance to finally relax, they are offering us food and they have protection.

Lilly: Mark's right we've been struggling for weeks on end.

Lee: Guys I don't know about this.

Larry: Look you selfish bastard these people can help us and all you want us to do is suffer what a team player you are.

Carley: Larry stop.

Lilly: Ok let's decide as a group what we could do and I say we should check it out.

Larry:Me too.

Kenny: If they have food for Duck and Katjaa then I'm in.

Ben: Its worth a shot I guess.

Carley: Why not.

Lee: Clem?

Clem: I'm really hungry Lee.

Carley: What about you Y/N?

Y/N: I don't know maybe 2 people should go and see if they aren't lying and they can come back and get the rest of us.

Carley: Smart thinking kiddo.

Mark: I'm all in so I'm going and this could be your chance to see if that they may not be as bad as you think Lee.

Lee: Fine I guess me and Mark will go.

Larry: Well get the gas and move your asses.

Mark runs to get the gas and heads out to the 2 men followed by Lee.

Danny: Thank you I promise you won't regret this.

Lee: We want to see this place for ourselves then decide if the rest of the group should come along. You can never be careless these days.

Andrew: Amen to that.

Danny: Well let's get going.

The 4 of the head off into the woods and everyone else goes back to what they were doing. You think of going to the stairs but decide to go and play with Clem and Duck for a little while.

Duck: Do you gus really think there's food there, I hope they have pizzas, hot dogs, cheeseburgers, taco's...

Y/N: Duck,no.

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