Chapter 55 - Enter Hunter

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Reader's POV
You awaken to an empty room with no source of light or any signs of other people, you look around and notice that you are on your knees and your arms are outstretched, you try to get up but can hear the sound of chains restricting you. While waiting in darkness for something to happen, you hear a door creak open and light enters the room along with an imposing figure standing at the door which speaks out in a menacing and commanding voice.

???: Bring him outside.

The person walks away and two more come in. After removing the chains that bound you they drag you outside and almost immediately you are struck by an intense cold. The men throw you onto the snow face first, you attempt to get up but your body feels like crap and you're powerless to do anything.

???: Roll him over, I wish to see look him in the eyes.

The men do as instructed and roll you onto your back, allowing you to look into the eyes of the imposing figure for the first time. A man with white hair, a beard and a missing right eye. He kneels down next to you.

???: You must have have heard of my name or my way of things from Clementine and Karen but I wanted this to be a proper and more, formal, introduction. You are looking at the man who runs this place, who governs and rules over the lives of all in these mountains including yours. I am Hunter and boy, you are my prey.

He looks at you menacingly for a brief moment before instructing his followers once more.

Hunter: Have the boy stripped of all his upper clothing and have him chained to the trees. Make sure the chains will not falter under any circumstances, I want them to cut deep into his arms so there will be no form of escape. Fail me in the slightest and you will be punished as well.

The men agreed and quickly got to work, removing your jacket and shirt, leaving your upper half completely bare in the harsh cold. They bring long chains with barbwire that runs along them and begin to wrap them tighlty around your arms, your blood spilling on the chains and painting the white snow red. After an agonising few minutes of being chained they leave you in the cold but not for long as Hunter returns, this time with a large crate containing different weapons.

Hunter: You and I are gonna have a little talk. Comply and I may have some pity on you, I hope you understand.

You try to respond but your throat is dry and your voice is weak.

Hunter: You seem to be struggling there, bring him some water.

Almost immediately an armed man rushes to Hunter with a bottle of water and hands it to him.

Hunter: Be sure to drink this wisely, because it will be the last you'll receive until 2 weeks have passed.

He helps you drink the water and you only drink a small portion.

Hunter: You plan ahead, very smart.

He sets the water bottle down and looks back at his men.

Hunter: Your assistance is no longer required, go do as you please.

They leave the scene without ushering a word and Hunter turns back to you.

Hunter: Now that we are alone I want you to know something. I command respect from my people, I am their leader and they're light in the darkness. I am truth. Anything that wishes to go against that truth will be killed, no exceptions. Karen and Clementine are soon going to be examples of that fact.

You: I...can't let that...happen...

Hunter: We'll see.

He punches you in the face and stomach repeatedly, hitting harder than Jonathan ever did and making you bleed on his clothing. He stops and reaches in his crate, pulling out a your mother's sword.

You: How...did you...

Hunter: Jonathan. He really went all out this time.

He swings the sword down, cutting down from your chest down to your abdomen. You scream in pain as blood follows down your body.

Hunter: It's still as effective as ever.

He places the sword down and continues to beat you up with his bare hands. For hours you would be beaten and after he got a little tired he removed a baseball bat covered with blood.

Hunter: Your blood will make a nice addition to the one already here.

You: Shut...up.

He sighs before striking you in the stomach and an immense pain followed. The blood spilling from your mouth covered the snow beneath you. He takes a few steps back and swings again, harder than last time and more blood spills from you. Before he can take another swing one of his men call out to him.

Man: Hunter there is something I wanna know.

Hunter: What is it?

Man: The group this kid came with,  what do we do with them?

Hunter looks first at his bat, then his crate full of weapons.

Hunter: I guess we'll have to cut this meeting short. I'll be back tomorrow Y/N, let the cold breeze heal your wounds cause if they aren't you won't survive tomorrow's punishment.

The two of them leave you alone. Your body feels like it's about to fall apart and its covered with blood. No one is around to help you but despite your injuries you don't feel like waiting for Hunter to come back. You pull on the chains wrapped around your arms trying your hardest to resist the pain of your skin being torn off but a little less skin on the arms is better than being dead. You try and try but nothing happens, you keep trying and are able to get your right arm free. It's bleeding badly and in extreme pain but could still come in handy.

You hear a familiar voice speak from behind you.

???: That's very unwise of you Y/N.

You turn to see a smiling Jonathan.

Jonathan: How are you?

You flip him off.

Jonathan: You may be tough but don't forget your place!

He goes to punch you but stops himself.

Jonathan: No...I can do much better.

He walks away and this worries you, you try to get free as quick as possible but he returns before you could escape.

Jonathan: I know you're cold, being topless on this cold, so I thought I could make a fire to warm you up.

You: What? Why...would me?

He doesn't answer and gets to making the fire. Once it goes going he walks over to you.

Jonathan: No matter how much you fight back, you are a part of this family, this community.

He grabs the chain the bound your right arm.

Jonathan: This will make you remember.

He takes the chains and places them over the fire. He concentrates on them for a long time, you thought of escaping but know he'd beat you down and probably kill you. After a long time had passed he got up and walked back to you.

Jonathan: Remember Y/N, you will always be a part of Hunter's family.

He punches you in the face and you fall to your knees, you hear his footsteps retreat to the fire. You try to get up when a knee lands on your face.

While struggling to move he pins you to the ground and begins wrapping the chain around your arm, your skin burns and you scream in pain as the metal is bound to your skin. After a grueling few seconds, he gets off you. The chain burns greater with each passing second and the pain is unbearable.

Jonathan puts out the fire and walks to you, lifting up your head. He opens his mouth to speak and you headbutt him. He stumbles back, surprised and enraged. He removes a knife from his pocket and approaches you slowly when a person calls his name in the distance. He puts back his knife and leaves. You limp towards the tree bound to your left arm and lean on it, your vision blurry, your breathing heavy and your consciousness leaving you. How you're still alive not even you are sure.

You fall to your knees and pass out.

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