Chapter 53 - Rivals or Partners

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You ran as fast as you could through the forest and kept running and running until you finally came to a stop. The two of you turned around to face the walkers coming your way.

You: There's about...10 or more walkers...and 2 of us, we managed to leave most of them behind. So...I'll take the 5 on the left...You take...the 5 on the right.

Derick: Fuck you! I'll take...them all myself!

You: That's the spirit.

You remove your axe from yourback and he removes his machetes. You slowly move away from each other, you drawing half of the walkers towards you and him doing the same.

Two walkers approach you, you lift up your axe and swing your axe, chopping off both their heads from their shoulders. You stumble forward and the other walkers lunges for you and pins you down. Before it can take a bite a machete flies through the side of it's head and it dies on top of you.

You roll it off you and pull the machete out of its head. Two more approach and you use the machete to slice the nearest walker's neck and and force the machete through the other walkers head. As you remove the machete the walker you didn't kill grabs your arm and you stab it through the skull, it drops dead on the ground.

All your walkers are dead.

You walk over to Derick you is left with one walker. It grabs him and goes to bite him but he violently stabs the walker with his machete, in the head and chest before letting it fall to the ground.

He turns to you and walks over to you. As he walks you notice his bruises and blood, most of it from your fight. If he's like that and the fight was even, how do you look.

He stops a few feet away from you. The two of you breath heavily, trying to catch your breaths.

Derick: Walkers are...dead. Now...finish what we...started.

He slowly moves towards you before running as fast as he can and throwing a right hand at you. You block the fist with your right hand and the other with your left.

You: Damn it...we don't have time for this Derick! We...need to get to the others.

Derick: Beating you is my only concern.

You: If we don't get to the others and finish up the whole Hunter thing, they will come back here and kill everyone, YOU HEAR ME!! Ashl...

Derick: SHUT UP!!!

He knees you in the gut.

Derick: SHUT...UP!!!

As you fall over he knees you in the face. You stumble back and dodge multiple punches from Derick. He goes for a kick and you grab his leg before it connects. You pick him up and throw him on the ground.

He sweeps your leg, causing you to fall on your back. He gets up and tries to stomp on your head but you roll out of the way and get to your feet. He runs at you again and you run at him.

Derick: I WIN!!

You punch each other as hard as you can. You press your fist against his face and he does the same to you.

You: You'll lay low...and not cause any troubles, Got It!!

Derick: I don't take orders...from anyone...I'm doing this for my own don't think this...changes anything!!!

He knees you in the stomach and you lean over, trying your hardest to stay on your feet. You holds up your head and goes to punch you but you grab his fist with your right hand before it connected.

You: I...KNOW!!!

You pull him closer with your right hand and punch him as hard as you can with your left. He falls hard on the ground and the two of you stare at each other in complete silence, after a few seconds pass he gets to his feet.

You: Now...let's get back.

The two of you walk back to the Cabin, the pain flowing all over your bodies made the walk feel longer than it was but neither one of you wanted to stop. You kept walking and finally arrived at the Cabin.

You: Looks like...You being gone...scared Ashley real bad.

He looks around and you point to a visibly scared and worried Ashley.

You: Guess there's someone...You actually...make happy.

Derick: Oh shut up.

She spots the two of you and runs as fast as she could. She hugs Derick who doesn't hug her back at first but does so, only slightly. She let's go of him and the worry on her face grows as she seems how beaten the two of you look.

Ashley: What happened to you two?

Derick: Nothing to worry about.

She looks at him then turns to you. You smile at her before walking away.

Ashley: Where are you going?

You: I need to get my cuts and other bruises fixed up, besides it looks like brother and sister need a moment.

Derick: THE HELL?!

He gets a little embarrassed and Ashley lets out a cute giggle.

Ashley: C'mon Y/N.

You: Seriously, he kept talking about how he missed you.

Derick: I didn't...I never...Y/N you...Ba...

Ashley: Aww, really, how sweet big bro.

You gingerly walk towards the Cabin, leaving the two of them alone. Before reaching the door someone calls out your name. You turn to see a short girl with a familiar hat walking towards you. You slowly walk towards each other and stand a few feet from each other.

You: Hey Clem.

Clem: Where've you been?

She asks with concern in her voice.

You close the distance between the two of you and hug her.

You: Sorry about getting blood on you.

She hugs you tighter.

Clem: I don't care about that.

You: I'm glad.

Clem: Now where were you?

She places her head on your chest and you place your chin on her head.

You: With how my relationship is with Derick and how important it is, for us to find the kids, we'll need all the help we can get.

Clem: He refused didn't he.

You: Well, at first yeah...

She let's go of you and looks at you in shock.

Clem: You convinced him? How?!

You: Maybe I can tell you after getting some medical attention.

Clem: Oh yeah, sorry Y/N.

She helps you get in the Cabin where Karen runs over to you and hugs you tightly. She lets go and after a few minutes they're done helping you get a bit better.

Karen: I think I'll let you rest for now, it's still mid-day so we can talk about Hunter later.

You: Thanks mom.

She looks over to Clem.

Karen: I think Y/N will need your company Clem

She walks to her room and you get up to leave.

Clem: Where are you going?

You: I need to go back to my room.

You grab her hand.

You: I'll need someone to talk to.

She smiles at you and the two of you head to your room.

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