Chapter 38 - Alone for the fight

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Pete gets to his feet, he struggles but manages.

Pete: my daddy used to say, we're burning daylight.

Clem puts her backpack on and everyone is geared up to go.

Pete: Let's get this over with.

You: Before we go...

They both turn to you.

You: Don't make noise and be careful.

They nod and you open the doors and everyone gets out. You all stand still and a walker approaches Pete but no one except you see it.

You (thoughts): Not happening.

You remove your knife and stab it in the knee, dropping it to the ground before finally killing it.

Pete: Damn...I didn't even see it. Thanks.

He whispers to you.

You: Let's get out of here.

The three of you walk towards the cabin as quick as possible. Walkers are all over the place but so far you've avoided them all. You keep going but Pete gets slower and slower until he finally comes to a stop.

Clem: C'mon get up.

Pete: This ain't gonna work.

You: What?

Pete: Go on now. Find my nephew.

Clem: We've com this far, the cabin isn't that far from here.

Pete: The walkers a gonna find us sooner or later...I'd only slow you kids down.

You: No you won't...and if any show up I'll take care of them.

Pete: What if they surround all of us at once. We can't rely on a single knife to protect us.

He turns around and begins walking back.

Clem: We are you going?

Pete: Buying you time to get back.

Before we can say anymore Pete starts screaming and yelling while running away from us.

Clem: Pete!

The large number of walkers begin to surround him and his screams only intensify. This time not to distract but in response to the bites he's receiving and the limbs he is losing.

Clem: Pete!!

Pete: Y/N!!Mustache!!!Brown coat!!!

You: Pete...

You grab Clem by the hand and the two of you run as fast as possible to the others avoiding walkers along the way but finally arriving. You stop outside and fall to the ground, your leg in pain.

Clem: How's your leg?

You: I'll manage...huh?

You get to your feet and notice that it's already day time.

You: Pete wasn't kidding when he said we were there the whole day.

Clem: Do...You think Nick is going to be okay?

You: It seems like they were family and any normal person shouldn't be fine if their family dies.

Clem: How long do you think he'll take to recover?

You: We haven't known him enough to know...time will tell, I guess.

We enter the house and see Carlos and Rebecca anxiously sitting by the table. Carlos immediately gets up when he sees us.

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