Chapter 59 - A Bastards End

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Silence looms over the three of you as prepare to kill each other, a sweat travels down from the top of your head to your jaw. Once it drops to the ground you run at him and he does the same. He throws a left hook which you dodge and deliver a punch to the stomach.

Jonathan: BASTARD!

As he elbows you to the ground Derick kicks him in the chest sending him back a few feet. Jonathan runs towards you and tries to knee you, you roll out of the way and Derick tries to elbow him in the face but his attack is grabbed before it connects.

Jonathan: Not this time.

He picks up Derick and throws him to the ground. He puts his foot on Derick chest and begins stomping at him. Before Jonathan can boast you punch him in the face, getting him off Derick. As he wipes blood from his mouth Derick gets to his feet.

Jonathan: Seems like you two can work together.

Derick: Don't get it twisted, I'll be killing you myself!!

He runs at him.

You: Damn it!

You follow after him.

Clem's Pov
The whole day has been strange so far, all we've been doing is look around for any nearby walkers, despite walkers freezing up when they get near Hunter's base. The raiders seem on edge as well and Hunter has been standing by the gate all day, he's probably waiting for Y/N and the others.

Elliott: All right you three back inside!!

He yells aiming his gun at us. There are other raiders nearby, fighting him would get us killed quicker.

Elliott: HELLO!!!

Ashley: C'mon guys.

The three of you walk back inside the walls and see a person with heavy bandaging around her head and a crutch to help her walk. She sees you and smiles.

Sam: Karen!

She runs up to her and gives her a hug, you and Ashley go over to them and hug her as well.

You: How're you?

Karen: Not great but...I've been worse so don't worry about me.

She says with a smile on her face.

Ashley: How can we not?

The smile on her face disappears as she becomes serious.

Karen: Listen there's something I need to tell you all.

You: What?

Karen: I'll tell you later just follow me.

She walks back towards the room you've been locked in and you follow her. Once inside she checks to see if there's anyone is following us. After that she closes the door.

Karen: All right listen...

Reader's Pov
You stand across from Jonathan with your sword in hand,  breathing heavily, blood dripping from your head with cuts all over your body. Derick stands besides you in the same state with his barbwire bat in his hands.

Jonathan despite being beaten up as well has managed to keep you both at bay.

You: The longer we fight the less chance we have of making it back, whether we win or not.

Derick: I know that.

You: Then we have to kill him right now, that means working together.

Derick grunts.

Derick: Fine.

Jonathan picks up an axe on the ground belonging to one of the raiders dead on the ground.

Jonathan: It's about time we end this.

You: For the first time in a while we agree on something.

You run towards each other for one last scuffle. He swings his axe at you and Derick uses the axe to to push it away. You knee him in the jaw and stab him in the shoulder. As he yelps in pain Derick grabs his arms and you back away from them.

You tighten you grip on your sword and swing it at Jonathan who overpowers Derick and throws him in front of you.

Damn it.

You do your best to not kill Derick and manage to stab him in the shoulder. As blood splatters onto you and Derick falls to the ground with the sword in his shoulder Jonathan runs towards you. He football tackles you to the ground and begins punching you repeatedly.


Before he can throw another punch you grab his knife from the side of his leg and cut him over his eye. He gets off you as he screams in pain.

Jonathan: YOU BASTARD!!!

You get to your feet and kick him in the stomach. As he leans over you go for a cut over his throat but he punches you in the stomach, dropping you to you knees. He grabs you by the hair and picks you up.


You punch him in the face and knock him to the ground.

You: NEVER!!

You punch him in the face.

You: EVER!!

You punch him in the face again.


You punch him repeatedly, each punch harder than the last. His blood spills onto your chest but you keep going. You grab him by the face and use the metal on your right arm to beat him down even more. His face becomes disfigured and his eye pops out of its socket. You cock back your fist for one more hit.


You try to punch him but he kicks you off him. He tries to get to his feet when a sword goes through his stomach.

Derick: I told you...I'd kill you.

Derick falls to the ground.


You hammer strike him in the head, dropping him face first into the ground. You pull out the sword from his stomach and with one last swing, his head is severed from his body.


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