Chapter 65 - Finally arrived

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Clem's pov
Many hours hav e passed since yesterday's "situation" and we've spent the entire time trying to get to New frontier as fast as possible, Y/N's shoulder was bleeding badly but we managed to temporarily stop it, his other injuries however were too great and getting worse. With worry for his and Derick's safety Kenny drove as fast as he could but came to a stop when the car ran out of gas, thankfully New frontier wasn't far away.
Kenny carried Y/N the rest of way with Karen by his side, Ashley helped Derick who wasn't that much better than Y/N walk while you walked with Liam and AJ right there next to you. With numerous bloody coughs from Y/N we ran as fast as we could and finally made it to the large metal gate of New frontier. Upon your arrival 3 women standing on top of the gate aimed their guns at you but one of them was of importance to you.


She lowers her gun with shock in her eyes.

Kate: Clementine? Is...that you?


She disappears behind the metal gate with the other two following her. After a few seconds the gate opens up and Kate runs over to you.

Kate: What's wrong?

You: My friend's hurt badly, he needs help now!

She walks over to Y/N who's in extreme pain and is suffering in Kenny's grasp.

Kate: Bring him in, we'll have him taken to a doctor.

Kenny and Karen follow one of the two women that were with Kate towards the medical ward. Kate turns to Derick who can barely stand on his own feet with Ashley supporting him.

Kate: We should help you...

Derick: Thanks for the offer but I'll pass, your main focus should be Y/N.

Ashley: Just...

Derick: I said I'm fine!

Kate: Well then we'll need to check the rest of you for bites and things like that.

You: As long as Y/N is getting help then checking us won't be a problem.

Kate: Thanks Clem.

You follow after her with everyone else doing the same. You enter a familiar room and all your weapons are confiscated, after an extremely long time passes everyone is checked out.

Kate: Everything looks good so you can go what you want now.

Ashley: Really?

Kate: Yes.

Derick: We don't know you people and yet you let us do whatever we wish, seems too good to be true.

Kate: I get why you'd say that but this community wouldn't be prospering without Clem, her efforts helped us take this place from the bastards that were in power. There's no need to worry.

With those words you all leave the room and Derick immediately splits from the group.

Ashley: We're you going?

Derick: My own way.

Sam: No shit.

Ashley: We have to check up on Y/N.

Derick: I don't have to do a damn thing and I'm sure he wouldn't want me there anyway, I'm doing the both of us a favour here.

He walks away leaving you, AJ, Liam, Ashley and Sam.

You: I'm going to see Y/N, you can go after him if you want to. Come on kids.

You run towards the medical ward leaving the two of them there. Running as fans as you can you quickly arrive at the medical ward and outside a door where multiple screams eminate from find Kenny pacing and Karen sitting on a chair with her head in her hands.

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