Chapter 66 - Amazing awakening

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Reader's pov
Darkness surrounding you with no way to move, are you alive or dead. Even though that's still unclear the pain flowing through you is definitely real, your head feels like it's exploding and the rest of your body could be doing better. Despite this feeling you've got to get up. Pushing through the pain you struggle and struggle for what feels like hours and finally your eyes open with the first thing you see being the ceiling of a house. It's a bit run down but it's better than staying outside.

Flopping your head to the side you see Clementine looking down at your barbwire bat with tears running down her face. It saddens you to see her upset like this.

Clem: Please wake up Y/N...please.

She says trying to hold back more tears. You lift your left hand and place it on her hand making her quickly look over to you with shock in her eyes which quickly changes to joy.

Clem: Y/N!

As you try to sit up she gets off her chair and jumps onto you, hugging you tightly. The pain was intense but worth it and you hugged her back. You stay in the warm embrace with neither of you talking for some time before you speak up.

You: I'm sorry.

Clem: You don't have anything to be sorry about.

She says resting her head on your shoulder.

You: I do, seeing you upset like that...all because of me.

Clem: Doing your best to help us isn't something you should be ashamed off, just try to take care of yourself more and don't do everything yourself. I'm here so you don't have to be a hero.

You rest your head on her shoulder.

You: I didn't really have much of a choice.

She puts her hand on your head and runs her fingers through your hair softly.

Clem: I know...but now we'll take the burden of your shoulders..

You slowly move apart and stop when your faces are a few inches apart.

Clem: So you...don't have to do...

As you stare into each others eyes all other things seem to fade away. Trapped in her beautiful hazel eyes you move closer to each other, pressing your foreheads together you can't help but feel your face getting hotter and butterflies in your stomach but after all this time you realize something. Looking down at her hands and holding them you speak.

You: Clem.

Clem: Yeah.

She says nervously.

You: For about 5 years I've bled, sweat, laughed, cried, suffered. I've helped out as much as I could and I've also put in the ground way to many. I'd like to say...I've grown up pretty fast but with all the changing things in my crazy life one thing I'm greatful for is having you there with me.

You look at each other one more time and she speaks.

Clem: I feel the same way, we've been through a lot together with every time we were apart being extremely hard and each time we reunited I would be overjoyed but I tried my hardest to not show it.

She gives off a cute giggle before resting her head on your chest.

Clem: Do me?

She says looking at you anxiously waiting for your reply.

You: I don't like you Clem.

Her face is covered by sadness at your response but before she can respond you passionately kiss her. After a moment of bliss you part your lips, filled with emotional confusion she speaks nervously.

Clem: I thought you said you didn't like me.

You: Sorry for teasing you, the truth is I love you. I always have but was never brave enough to say it, after all you've been pretty much a badass since we were kids and I didn't think you'd have time for...You know a relationship. Especially with me.

She pulls in you and kisses you, taking you by surprise for a moment before returning the kiss.

Clem: Well you don't have to worry about that cause I love you too.

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