Chapter 74

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The opening of a door caught the attention of many as a slightly bloody Kenny and Javier entered Clementine's living room where last night's group was currently located, a comfortable silence between them. Since their return nothing of interest occurred as they went about their daily business, though per Clem's request she and Y/N had spent their free time with the now sleeping kids. With all that could happen in the future that idea sounded fine to the scarred teen who did his best to make the day enjoyable. Pulling up a wooden chair and sitting down, with Javi standing by his side, Kenny took a short breath before telling his tale.

"Sorry for keeping y'all waitin'. That shitbird took a lot more..." His gaze travelled to his bloodied shirt as he continued "convincing than I first imagined." Making some space for Javi to sit by her side on the couch while accidentally pushing her brother of it, Ashley asked the question on everyone's mind. "Is this shitbird still with us?" Silence was her only answer making her nod in understanding.

Scowling, Derick spoke. "Old bastard gets to kill but when I do..." His small rant came to a halt at feeling the glare of a very annoyed twin. Huffing, he put on a blank face while mumbling about girls & their powerful glares.

"The guy say anything useful?" Clementine asked, trying to ignore the other twin. "Well, he said something. Problem is however, verifying whether it's true or not." Once again glances were sent towards the ever so idiotic other half of Ashley, who did a wonderful job ignoring them. Sighing you spoke up. "What he said could be the truth, but with their men suddenly killed that truth could be altered to something completely new. So we'll have to not only do this smart, but fast as well." Drumming his fingers on the floor, Derick let out a sigh of his own before speaking. "Hate to admit, but the piece of shit's got a point. So..." His gaze fell onto Kenny & Javi, an action shared by all...

"Let's hear it."


"How serious do you think this is gonna be?" A question was posed as the curious & worried eyes of AJ landed onto the thoughtful visage of his elder brother & best friend Liam, who's currently starring out through the window of Karen's bedroom, the former sat atop it. "I'm... not sure." He responded. While things haven't completely changed, the sudden seriousness in the few who've heard even a sliver of the possible threat is very much present, even with the impressive facade they've put on. Unconsciously, Liam's gaze fell upon the pistol which lay on the bedside table for the briefest of moments before turning to the patiently waiting AJ, but before he could say anything else the door opened.

"Hopefully I'm not interrupting brother bonding time."

The calm voice of Karen echoed as she stepped into the room, sending a warm smile to both as she sat beside AJ. "No, it's ok." Came the response from Liam, purposefully cutting off any responses AJ had in store for her. "We weren't doing much, just trying to relax." Putting an arm around AJ, who responded in kind, the elder woman spoke up. "Been working?" Sighing, Liam turned to glance at AJ  while responding. "No. But, I guess it can't be helped. Not with whatever's waiting for us in a few days, maybe months." He finished, attention focused on the people passing by outside, waving to the few kids who took notice of him. Walking away & flopping down on the bed besides them, his head rested in his hands as he spoke.

"I just want this pointless fighting to stop."

"That's what's annoying about us people." Karen said, placing a hand atop his head. "We spread to one another the beauty of peace while we thirst for war. Despite the smaller death count, things weren't exactly all good about the world of the past. And at times, you wouldn't tell the difference between then & now." She finished, Liam brought into a hug just like his brother. Even his expressions, one of sadness, mirrored AJ's. It seems like fighting simply was impossible to avoid, no matter which era you're in.


Both looking at her now, she smiled as she continued.

"Even if we don't like or want to fight, when the time comes it's our responsibility as a person to fight for the right cause, to fight for our family, & do all we can to keep them safe. Don't ya think?" Their opinion mattered. It's one thing to follow someone to a goal & another to work towards something with them. Before her eyes many emotions came across their faces, it was an important question so half-assed answers simply wouldn't cut it & it seemed they agreed. Turning towards one another with determined looks on their faces, a nod of agreement was shared by both before they turned to her.



"That's the end of my tale." Kenny said his tone serious as well as concerned upon seeing their faces. As usual, anger was painted over Derick's face so nothing surprising there & due to having to deal with him most of the time, Ashley's rage wasn't too surprising though the unusual amount did put him on edge quite a bit. The usually chill Sam was nothing short of disgusted though from what came from his mouth, she had every fight to be. What caused his great concern however was the faces of the last two.

Emotionless & silent.

Clementine & Y/N gaze at him with soulless eyes that unnerved him greatly. To one, it may appear as though they could care less or something along those lines, he could see past that emotionless barrier. Lord save the bastard who'll be given full permission to see it for themselves, cause it'll damn sure be the last thing their sorry ass sees.


His musings were brought to a halt when the once frightened little girl now turned ruthless ass kicker pulled out her trusty pocket knife & faster than all could see, embedded it into the wall behind him. Leaning over, cap & hair shadowing her eyes, a tone promising pain & suffering seeped into her voice as she spoke.

"How will we make this little group, Delta was it, disappear?"

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