Chapter 68 - Family advice

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A light tap to the head and a gentle grip on your hand, you wake up to see Karen crouching next to you with a concerned look on her face.

Karen: How are you feeling kiddo.

She says while gently rubbing your hair.

You: I...I feel horrible.

Karen: Still feeling the effects of the surgery.

You: Yeah...and other things.

Karen: Wanna talk about it.

You think for a moment.

You: Sure.

You sit up and realize that you aren't outside anymore. Karen notices your confusion and speaks.

Karen: I brought you here yesterday night, Ashley said you weren't feeling alright so I went to look for you. After a while I found you sleeping on a bench and carried you here.

She sits in the bed next to you.

Karen: I thought about bringing the others over but you didn't seem like you wanted company. I don't know if I made the right call or not. I've been struggling to do anything good for you recently.

You: Is this...about me getting injured and tortured. I heard you talking about it for a little while before blacking out.

Karen: I see.

You: Well you did...I don't think I want to talk with anyone...but just so you know I've never blamed you for anything horrible that's happened in my life.

Karen: Really.

She asks in shock.

You: You've done everything you could've for me, ever since I was a little kid so don't blame yourself for anything that you didn't have control over.

Karen: Still I couldn't stop you from suffering. I can never forgive myself for that.

You: I can never forgive myself too.

Karen: What.

You: As a kid I always saw dad beating you, sometimes you would bleed. I could've done something but I was too afraid.

Karen: You were a little kid, it makes sense for you to be afraid.

You: Maybe you're right. When dad left and you had me live with Rachel things got worse. Beatings, insults everyday and in true Y/N fashion I did nothing about it. I could've talked about it with my teachers and maybe even my friends but they would probably not help.

Karen: What'd you mean.

You: When I went to school I usually had some cuts and bandages, they didn't really want to get involved with me in anyway. My "friends" were just a bunch of bullies who humiliated me, took my stuff and things like that.

Karen: Why did you remain friends with them.

You: I...was a...coward and I was afraid...afraid of being alone.

Silence looms over the two of you. You sigh before continuing.

You: I fought Rachel a few days before this whole thing started.

Karen: After what she did most kids wouldn't do that, seems you've been brave since way back.

You: That's what I wanted her to think.

Karen: What'd you mean.

You: In all honesty it wasn't about me being brave it was my cowardice. I was afraid of living like her punching bag...I wanted to escape from that way of life...I wanted to die.

You look down and see your tears hit the floor.

You: I kept antagonizing her so that she would go through with it...only to find out that life wasn't done torturing me. Any time I would finally believe that my life was going well someone I cared about died.

You remember Lee, Carley, Duck, Katjaa, Sarah.

You: Through all those events Clem has been with me, helping me all the time and giving me hope that life's worth fighting for. Both through her actions and words. When Carley, a really good friend of mine died she was there for me and I was there for her when her friend Lee died. She's always stuck her neck out for me no matter who or what we were facing.

You look down at your left wrist where the walker bite used to be.

You: I got bit and when the time came I risked my life to save Clem, Kenny and other people from a group we were with. I reached an...equilibrium, I would die like I wanted to but not because I was a coward but I was helping others survive. I had accepted death but life wasn't done with me. A life was given away so I could have a chance at survival.

You wipe away some of the tears in your eyes.

Karen: The 2 of you have been through a lot.

You: And I'm afraid that maybe the bond we have or maybe how I feel about her, she might not feel the same way.

Karen: How do you feel about her.

You turn your head to Karen.

You: I love her but after yesterday I'm not sure she loves me.

Karen: What happened.

You: I...saw Gabe talk with clem for a little while, after that he leaned over and kissed her.

Karen: Did you hear what they said.

You: No.

Karen: Then it's best you talk to her, about everything.

She gets to her feet and so do you.

Karen: I'm sure things will be okay.

She hugs you.

You: I hope so.

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