Chapter 46 - Goodbye my friends

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Hours had passed since you all started your journey and no house was in sight, Kenny got more aggravated the longer we walked but you did your best to keep Arvo from getting beaten down but even you couldn't hold out for much longer as you fall to the ground, making Arvo to fall on top of you which caused more pain to your arm.

Omid: Y/N!

You struggle to get up and he helps you.

Bonnie: Let's take a break, they need to rest.

You: I'm fine...let's keep going.

Christa: But your arm...

You: Doesn't matter. Let's...go.

You say wincing in pain.

Clem: We're stopping.

Everyone else agreed with her and Kenny reluctantly agreed, as long as Arvo would be tied up. Bonnie and Christa cleaned up your wound and patched you up while Clem helped out Kenny who seemed to calm down a bit.

After a few minutes they were done.

You: Thanks guys.

Christa: Anytime kiddo.

She says playing with your hair and walking away with Bonnie following her. While waiting for Clem to finish up you use the little time you have to sit down and relax, you look up at the sky and close everything out.

No thoughts.

No doubts.


After a few moments of peace it was time to head out but this time things would be different. Instead of you leading with Arvo, Kenny would be with him.


After a long walk we came across a power station.

Kenny: Is that it? Hey, I'm talkin' to you!

Arvo: What? It? It what?

Kenny: What do you mean "what"? The place you're fuckin' taking us!

Jane: He doesn't speak much English.

Kenny: Yeah, no shit! Is that it? I thought you said it was a house.

Clem: How much further is the house you were talking about?

She asks in a light but firm tone.

Kenny: Answer her, goddamn it!

Arvo: No, it' the house. Is still more walk. Some more hours.

Kenny: Goddamn it. I knew this was gonna happen...

You: I know how you feel Kenny but it's getting really late and we've been walking the whole day, we need to least for the night.

Omid: He's right Kenny.

Mike: Yeah we should rest.

Kenny starts pacing around.

Kenny: bullshit!!

Jane: Relax.

Kenny: Don't tell me to relax. He's lying. He's been lying this whole time.

Mike: You don't fucking know that!

Kenny: I know we've been walking all day and we're still fuckin' nowhere.

Clem: I think we should spend the night here...if it's safe.

Kenny: That's a big if.

Clem: Well, there's a fence, which would help with walkers.

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