Chapter 9 - Same old story

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You feel as if your heart is ripped from your heart when you see Y/N's body hit the floor. You run over to his side.

Carley: Y/N!!

You see blood on your hands and notice a bullet wound on his stomach.

Carley: He got shot but it looks like the bullet went clean through. Where's Katjaa?!

Your eyes dart across the Rv looking for Katjaa. You are about to look for her but she runs into the Rv holding Duck in her arms and is followed by Lee.

Lee: Lilly last chance!!

Kenny gets the Rv started and Lilly jumps in at the last second as Kenny rams the motel gates and drives as far away from it as possible.

Carley: Katjaa please help Y/N.

She looks back at you and notices his blood on your hands.

Katjaa: I'll be right there.

She puts Duck on the seat and you put Y/N next to him. Katjaa gets to work but is struggling due to the blood pouring from her head.

Carley: What can I do to help?

Katjaa: Its okay I just need to calm down.

Carley: You're hurt let me help. I know how important Duck is too you and I understand it, I might not be Y/N's real mother but it feels like it. Let me help out so we can heal you too.

Katjaa sees the look in your eyes and agrees. You are both able to stitch Y/N's stomach. He was unconscious which made it a little easier for you.

Carley: Thanks Katjaa now let's check up on Duck.

You are about to help Duck but Katjaa stops you.

Katjaa: You've done enough for now, I think I'll take care of Ducky you should keep an eye on Y/N, please.

You reluctantly agree and walk over to Y/N and put his head on your lap and play with his hair as you think to yourself.

Carley: I hope you get better soon kiddo.

You see a tear hit his face and realise that you were crying. You wipe your tears away. A deafening silence was broken by Lilly started talking.

Lilly: Alright we've got to settle this shit right now!

Lee: C'mon Lilly not right now.

Lilly: Don't give me that Lee you know just as well as I do that someone on this Rv just fucked us over. We not only lost our supplies but not we don't have a place to stay except for this Rv which could break down right now.

She begins to walk over to Ben.

Lilly: I think that if anyone of you has something to say they better get to talking.

She gives Ben a death stare.

Ben: I had nothing to do with this, so could you please not look at me like that.

Lilly: Don't give me that shit Ben it's pretty obvious that you are the biggest suspect.

Carley: C'mon Lilly give it a break already, accusing people won't help.

Ben: Yeah.

Lilly: Think about it everything was going smoothly until he showed up.

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