Chapter 25 - Lee's Ultimatum

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You and Lee moved as fast as possible. After a few minutes you arrived at a morgue where Vernon and his group lived. You wait outside the door.

You: Think that stranger and Vernon are connected?

Lee: It's all I've got for now. First, Vernon comes to me and talkers about taking care of Clementine and next thing this stranger says he knows where her parents are. I think it's a bit too convenient.

You: I just hope we can get her back.

Lee: Me too.

You both draw your guns.

Lee: You ready?

You: Yeah.

Lee: You're still in pain so I'll go in first, you watch my back.

You nod.

Lee opens the door and you enter the room, only to find out that Vernon's group is already gone.

You: We're to late.

You ball your hand into a fist.

Lee: No, that can't be. Vernon! Get out here! All I want is the girl, give her back and no one gets hurt!

You hear the groans of the walking dead intensify outside as they walk past the window.

You: Clem...

The radio crackles and you hear a voice you didn't expect.

Clem: Lee?

Lee: Clementine!  Are you alright? Where are you? Vernon, you son of a bitch.

Stranger: Hello Lee.

Lee: Who the?

You: It's the stranger, the person who's been talking to Clem on the radio.

The person on the other end of the radio was clearly not Vernon. The cold voice from the radio is one you wouldn't confuse with any other. It's the creep that made with situation come to be in the first place.

Clem: Y/N..

Stranger: I see you're already up and about Y/N.

You: Where's Clem?

Stranger: Straight to the point I see.

You: That's not a place.

Stranger: Watch your tongue! If I were you I'd choose my words VERY carefully.

You (thoughts): He'sright, if we don't play this smart we'll have no way of find her.

Lee: Please don't hurt her.

Stranger: Hurt her? I'm not the one who hurts people.

You: Let Clem talk then.

Stranger: That won't be necessary. There's an ocean of dead between the two of you and us, and if I can thank God for anything anymore, it's that.

The radio cuts off.

Lee: He better not hurt her.

You: We gotta move fast.

You take a look at Lee's wrist.

You: How are you feeling?

Lee: Don't worry about me Y/N, I'll be alright.

You: How can I not worry?

Lee: Let's focus on getting Clem back.

You: (Sigh) Fine.

Walkers approach the door and you run over and close it with Lee right behind you.

You: We'll have to find another way out.

Lee: I'll go look around, you think you can hold the door.

You: Yeah I'm alright.

You hold the door close with all your power as Lee searches the entire place for a different route. After some time he takes a rib spreader and dissapeares to the other side of the room.

You (thoughts): Hope we can get out of here.

You look up in excitement as you hear the sound an elevator door being forced open. Lee then staggers back in your line of sight.

You: Lee..

He looks up at you, his eyes glazing over, before he collapses to the ground.

You: Lee!

You rush over to his side.

You (thoughts): That bite, and now the others aren't here to help.

You get on your feet and look for anything that could help. You spot a few surgical supplies and think for some time.

You (thoughts): Maybe, maybe if I cut off the part that was bit he might survive the bite.

You stay thinking for a while, unsure of what to do, but decided to rather be safe than sorry. You walked over to Lee and dragged him to the other side. You try to place him on the one of the operating table, it was difficult especially with you being a little kid but you managed.

You: do I do this?

You walk around and see a bonesaw.

You: This will do the trick.

You go over to Lee and place the bonesaw over Lee's arm.

You: Hopefully...This works.

You are about to cut off Lee's arm but hesitate.

You: C'mon, I don't have any time to lose.

You raise the bonesaw and are about to cut off Lee's arm but at interrupted by a fearful scream.

Lee: Don't kill me!

You: Lee.

Lee: Y/N, what're you doing?!

You: I..I thought that maybe if I cut off the arm that was bit, I could save you.

Lee: Y/N...

You: I know it's stupid but, I don't want you to die. I don't think Clem would take it well and...

Lee: And?

You: I guess you're one of the closest people to me, I can't have another person I care about die.

Tears begin to form in your eyes but Lee wipes them off.

Lee: Let's do it.

You lift your head in shock.

You: Huh?

Lee: It might work or buy us enough time to get to Clem.

You clench the bonesaw tightly.

Lee: I'm not going to be able to do this on my own, I'm going to need you Y/N. I know it might be....

You: Don't worry, I'm alright.

Lee: You sure?

You: I said I'm not going to let a person I care about die and I meant it.

Lee: Okay, let's...let's do it.

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