Chapter 21 - Life or Death

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Lee and Vernon are holding Kenny back as he tries to rip Ben limb from limb.

Lee: Kenny, man. I agree with SHOULD kick his ass! But now's not the time! We gotta focus on getting out of here!

Kenny: You little pissant! You're fucking dead, you hear me?Dead! My child and my wife, you got them both killed!

Lee: Kenny! Listen to me! You can whoop his skinny little ass later, but right now we gotta go!

Kenny stops struggling to kill Ben.

Molly: Nice group you've got here kid.

Molly whispers to your ear.

You: Sometimes I question how we even made it this far. But we manage, I guess.

Molly: Aren't you gonna help Ben.

You: He got a person very important to me killed. I'm not really in any rush to help him.

Kenny: If this asshole thinks he's getting on my boat after what he did, he's out of his motherfucking mind!

He says while shoving Ben.

Kenny: You hear me shitbird! You can stay behind and fucking rot!

Molly: Harsh isn't it.

She whispers to you once more but you've taken your stand and don't think about changing it.

You: Like I said, not in a rush to help Ben.

Lee: Kenny, I know you're upset and I understand. But you can't make that kind of decision on your own. We're all in this together. We're a group.

You (thoughts): I don't get it, Carley,Duck and Katjaa were close to Lee and this idiot got them killed, but he's still willing to give him a chance. He's confusing sometimes.

You're lost in your thoughts until you hear something you didn't expect.

Kenny: The boat's not big enough for all of us. Someone's gotta stay behind and I say it should be this piece of shit right here!

Christa: Well I vote we leave him behind. Sorry Ben, I know you mean well but I just want to get back to Omid and you put that at risk.

Ben: Please, please don't do this.

The pain in his eyes used to not affect you, but the way Lee just gave him a chance is messing with your head.

You (thoughts): I always said to myself that I would protect the people I am with, no matter what, but does Ben deserve that luxury.

You turn from your thoughts as you hear Lee give his opinion.

Lee: Ben stays with us.

Ben turns his attention to you and your eyes meet for a second. You see the helpless in his eyes before he diverts his attention to the ground. Kenny notices this.

Kenny: I say Y/N SHOULD vote as well.

They all turn to Kenny in shock.

Christa: What?

Kenny: The kid has done the same amount of work as all of us here. Hell he's smarter than damn near all of us. If anyone deserves to vote, I say it's him.

They all go silent before turning to you.

Lee: He's right, Y/N has saved us many times. He's more than earned a vote.

There is a deafening silence in the room as they wait for your response, well besides the walkers outside the classroom.

Kenny: C'mon Y/N, don't let this fucker go after what he did to Carley.

Lee: Kenny!

The thoughts of Carley fill your mind as you remember everything you went through together, how caring and loving she was to you and how much she felt like a mother to you. Even though she wasn't the real deal, the connection and bond you forged with her was strong enough to be that of a mother and her son.

Molly: I thought you already made up your mind.

You: I did.

Ben: I..I guess..

You look Ben straight in his eyes and decide his fate.

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