Chapter 57 - Painful experiences

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Clem's pov
With night arriving and there being nothing to do and nowhere to go since you, Ashley and Sam were done killing walkers around the base and were back in your empty room which is has multiple armed guards outside the door to make sure you don't escape you sit on the floor with Ashley and Sam next to you thinking about how fast things are moving. It's only 2 days since we've been here and it already feels like we've been Hunter's captives for years. Me, Ashley and Sam are alright so far, Derick got taken away and we haven't seen him since which has made Ashley visibly upset even though she tries her hardest to hide it but honestly you understand, Y/N has been missing for days and Jonathan was the last person to see him. You're not sure if he's alive and with this feeling in your heart sleeping or resting have been impossible. The fact that Liam and AJ are also nowhere to be found makes everything worse.

Ashley: Hey Clementine you awake?

You: Yeah.

Ashley: Still thinking about Y/N and the boys, I can understand.

You: I know me not getting rest could get us killed's not easy.

You wrap your arms around your knees and Ashley sits next to you.

You: I..I thought I could handle not being with the's not the first time, (sigh), but Y/N helped me find hope. He made me feel like I still have some fight left in me. For the first time in a long while I was...happy. I really hope he's okay.

As you look down at your hands Ashley begins to talk

Ashley: Having someone who feels like family just...disappear...or die, it's a pain... no one should have to...experience.

She says in a shaky voice which was unlike her, as you turn your gaze at her you notice the tears forming in her eyes then fall down her face.

You: Ashley...are you...

Ashley: It's...nothing, don't worry about it.

She says with watery eyes and a weak voice.

You: Look, I know...I don't really know you that well and you have every reason not to trust me but...

She cuts you off.

Ashley: It's not that!

She takes a deep breath, wipes her tears away and speaks.

Ashley: With Derick missing....I'm just worried he'd leave me alone, just like our family

You: Your family?

Ashley: They died before...2 years before all this.

The is an uncomfortable silence for some seconds before you talk.

You: The two of you have been on your own since you were 6?

She nods in agreement.

You: If you don't mind me...asking, what happened? I know it's...

Ashley: I've told you this much so there's no harm in telling you the full story...from the beginning.

You: Are you sure?

Ashley: Yeah.

She composes herself once more.

Ashley: Ever since we've been kids me and Derick knew that we weren't part of the healthiest family. Our mother, Stephanie, was always sick and could barely walk around or do anything on her own. Derick was sick too, coughed up blood and lost consciousness frequently but that didn't stop him from assisting the 3 of us help mom.

You: The 3 of us?

Ashley: Yeah, our dad, myself and...

She takes a heavy breath before saying the last person.

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